Yea, the original topic was a bit specific, and I didn't want to waste a topic, so, I searched around, and found out that we don't have a Foo Fighters discussion topic . So, let one live. They're on tour right now yet they've already passed my area at a time I couldn't go, did anyone here get to see them?
This is a pretty random question. My question to you is why do you want to know? Are you doing a project on it or something? If not, you have a serious problem. lol.
*twitch* Lol. No, I'm a very frequent user of Pandora (it's the most amazing internet-music...thing ever), and I need a name for my station, so I figured to do some reason and make it unique and meaningful. Also fixed the topic, hehe.
I greatly dislike Foo Fighters. I feel sorry for Dave Ghrol. Seriously, how depressing would that be? Hi, my name is Dave. I used to be in Nirvana.
THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST OF YOOOOU Yeah thats pretty much all I have to say for this topic. I'm just meh about foo fighters, they're good but I wouldn't buy their album or anything.
When Dave dies and he sees Kurt, Kurt's gonna be like "Shame on you, man" Foo Fighters totally bought in. They're almost anti-Nirvana.
They should be coming to Chicago really soon. I saw them a few years back when they were touring with Weezer, and it was the best concert I've ever been to. Grohl is incredibly intense live, and the music is much harder live as well. The recorded stuff sounds so mellow after you've seen them live. Personally I think Dave Grohl is more proud of what he's done in the Foo Fighters than what he did in Nirvana. Sure Nirvana changed the face of music, but I don't think Grohl had much influence on what was done in the band. It seemed like Kurt Cobain ran the show. He was working on a side project when Kurt died, which ultimately lead to the creation of the Foo Fighters.
I was just listening to the song "Friend of a Friend" on the acoustic CD Skin and Bones (Possibly my favorite CD I've ever owned). Its worth listening to if you're interested in either band. Very deep song, very sad too.
I love most all of Foo Fighters songs but I really honestly HATE Let it Die. That is probably one of their worst songs ever. I hate listening to it because it is like "NOOO!!! This song sucks! This can't be the Foo Fighters!!" I really like Everlong and The Pretender