this was a project that stemmed from trying to make a left 4 dead style survival map. It works with 2 gametypes: Infection Invasion With infection the infected spawn up on the cliff overlooking the base. they jump down from the cliff and then begin to infect the humans which spawn below on the roof. In the infection mode the water below is safe to enter but leaves you very open as there is basicly no cover and the only way back up is by climbing up the rocks close to the base. With invasion the elites spawn where the zombies would spawn and the spartans where the humans would spawn, it is very important that you set up the gametype as spartans attacking. The spartans go around trying to recapture the base that was once theirs that hold key information that could stop the fall of reach (just made that up what do you think? ) and the elites appear from the distance to stop this from happening. The capture points are open if you know where to look. i used a one way wall and a walkable through wall to allow this to happen. i even used the tractor beam method on the falcon i saw from another post as one of the objectives. I would appreaciate your feedback so far and i will leave you with some pictures: