
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JH2P, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. JH2P

    JH2P Ancient
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    Foenix is a mostly symmetrical map, there are slight differences between the base areas because those areas are not the same in size. This map started as an attempt to build the structure in The Silent Cartographer level in Halo 1, the one in the center of the island. Although, it morphed into something quite different.
    There is a center ring area that the rest of the map is based on, with walls extending off of it and a large barrier running partially through it. I wanted there to be plenty of cover, but still be relatively open.
    Teleporters in the back hall area take you to the center of the corresponding side of the map, the teleporters in the far corners with shield doors protecting them will teleport you directly to the platform above.
    There has been quite a lot of time spent making this map compared to others I've made. Mostly because I wanted something that I really liked.
    Any suggestions on how to improve this, or future maps I may create, are greatly appreciated.

    Best suited with 4 - 8 players. Supports all gametypes. I recommend King and Oddball variants.

    - Sniper(2.5 min respawn, 1 spare mag)
    - Shotgun(symmetrical only, 3 min respawn)
    - Flamethrower(asymmetrical only, respawns on new round)
    - Brute Shots
    - Needler
    - BRs
    - Carbines
    - SMGs
    - Spikers
    - Plasma Rifles
    - Plasma Pistols
    - Magnums
    - Frags
    - Plaz nades
    - Spike nades
    - Firebombs(one for each base, 2 min respawn)

    Equipment & Vehicles
    - Bubble Shield
    - Power Drain
    - Grav Lift
    - Mongeese =)

    Here are the screenshots:










    [SIZE=+2]*Download Foenix*[/SIZE]
    #1 JH2P, Jan 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2009
  2. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Hey the map looks quite good i'm in love with that arch it's epic win. Interlocking from the pictures looks great. Just wondering is there geo-merging because i didn't see any in the pictures. So far from the pictures i give a 4/5 i will download and give a review on gameplay.
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks pretty awsome, that arch must have taken forever to make and it seems like it would play well, also the last pic is pretty lol
    and i too see no geomerging, that could be a problem wit hstray grenades.
  4. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    interlocking in the photos look great very nice i ove the arch in the middle of the map
    very nice touch i alos dont see any visalbe geo merging in this map
    very good over all though i like it im going to so down load qustion tho is thier acthuly a point of the mongosse in the map ?? does it have a perpose ??? thanks for a sweet map tho
  5. JH2P

    JH2P Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nope. But I'm guessing there should have been.

    What? Stray grenades? What exactly makes a grenade "stray?"

    Yes, there is a Mongoose for each side of the map. A mongoose allows for quick traverse of the lowest level. You could take it through the far tunnel, but it will also fit perfectly through the crouch-way. Taking it through the main ring area might be a little faster though.

    You can go the main route, which is through the center ring area. Or, about mid-distance on each side there are platforms and a stairway that take you to the top level. Once at the top level, you can get to the other side pretty quickly. Or, use the teleporters in the far corners to go right to the top level. And there are the methods you also mentioned, the crouch-way and back tunnel, but those take the longest, unless you're in a 'Goose.

    I wasn't trying to spell "Phoenix," using the "F" was intentional. The use of the "F" was to honor the map it was created on, "F"oundry.

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