Pre-DLC Flying Elephant Map

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by MeNaCe x TIGER, May 20, 2009.

  1. MeNaCe x TIGER

    MeNaCe x TIGER Ancient
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    Download Links: GAMETYPE MAP

    Well, this is pretty much a "just for fun map".
    This map is kind of basic, but I turned it kind of competitive.
    First of all, this map is based around the Elephant, and making it "Fly", each competitor must try and stay inside the hill placed inside the elephant for as long as they can.
    You cannot die, so it is pretty basic, do whatever you can to stay inside the elephant!

    STEP 1: Once you spawn, it is in your best interest to pick up everything i have supplied for you. First, pick up the grenades, then the custom powerup, then find the weapon of your choice, and get either a bubble shield or regenerator.

    STEP 2: Wait for everyone to get inside the hill, and then have everyone set up their positions. Have one person explode 1 of the fusion coils, and then it's every man for yourself, take your postions and be willing to hold on!

    STEP 3: Take a ride on the newest contraption in town :happy:, and try to survive on it for as long as you can to become victorious.

    STEP 4: Once you fall, you must wait in agony until everyone else falls, and watch the epicness of the flying elephant.

    Well, that's about it, be sure to use the gametype, or you can use regular slayer instead, for an even bigger challenge.
    Please download, and enjoy!

    If you missed it....
    Download Links: GAMETYPE MAP
  2. sonofnight94

    sonofnight94 Ancient
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    Wow, I'm definetly downloading this. I have never seen a map that actually used the exploding elephant. Altough, I see one problem. What if no one explodes the elephant?

    Now, here is how you fix it..... Place a Fusion coil above the elephant to fall after 45-60 seconds. Just a tip
  3. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    only one thing is wrong with this.
    the title is SANDBOX Flying Elephant Map.
    its kind of misleading if you ask me.
    i dont thing you can fix that though...

    very unique map.
    never seen a map using explosive to send the elephant flying map before.
  4. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    It looks fun and crazy, good work. It needs alot of honor rules though which may put a few people off.
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Doesn't this get extremely laggy? Everytime I explode an elephant, the game gets really laggy.
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    This has been done before the game was even release how havent you guys seen this before lol? Ive seen this done before and done better with out laggy supper explosions that ruin games. Sorry not the best sandbox map and i cant say it would be to fun since the hill spends more time in the air then the players do fighting for it.
  7. MeNaCe x TIGER

    MeNaCe x TIGER Ancient
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    The point isn't to fight for it, it's to stay in for as long as you can, and thanks for the feedback, sonofnight, I will probably use that for my v2! and I may make it better with a v2? cause i have some good ideas. Please DL and try!
    Also, it is not very laggy if you have like 5 or 6?

    and **** i didn't mean to put sandbox, i'll have a mod fix that/
    #7 MeNaCe x TIGER, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009

    SUNWATER Ancient
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    I have seen a map like this before, what worries me is the lag, mabey a v2 of this with an objective,nice map I will download and give more feed back later.
  9. MeNaCe x TIGER

    MeNaCe x TIGER Ancient
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    EDIT: everyone, i have a v2 map ready, i might possibly make it available for other gametypes, tell me what gametypes i should make it for, besides KOTH
  10. Rannik

    Rannik Ancient
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    I know Of a map where you can control the elephant and fly it.
    It basically 2 missle pods 1 grav lift and a hornet strapped on to control it
  11. pinkyandthesheep

    Senior Member

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    I've made a map like this before. It's really fun to play with, and what I like to do is take banshees, hornets and scorpians and when you fall out, use those to try and keep the elephant in the air and so the object of my game is trying to keep the elephant in the air while your in it, and if you fall out get in a vehicle to keep it in the air. Its pretty fun!
  12. stevenj05

    stevenj05 Ancient
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    what happen to the download for the map??
  13. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    These kinds of maps have been done numerous times, I have even created a like map that is a lot similar to yours. To get the review out though, I'd say it could be pretty entertaining but would be incredibly laggy.

    You get a 2/5. Sorry.

    Senior Member

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    lool that looks intersting.i think it laggst way to hard when the fusion coils explode but you said u doing a v2 im waiting for your new version.
    nice idea.

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