would it be possible to make a ship on avalanche or another good ship mapand fuse it to a Hornet/Banshee to make it flyable around the map? I would test this theory, but I am no good at forging:cry:
I've tried. The problem is keeping all the objects in place. The only thing you could to that with would be something immovable, but then that would keep the whole thing from moving.
Yeh, but you can only do it in forge and it's not exactly a ship, more of a box. I'm afraid that at the moment the only thing you can fly that's like a ship is an elephant. Bungie just went overboard with all the immovable items and it's kind of annoying.
One thing you could do i make a flying elephant. It's the only thing close to what you want. If you wanna know where to DL, or if you wanna make one, contact me. I know how.
no thanks warfang, I already have one downloaded. and thanks to the rest of you guys for answering my quesion, I'll gve you all good feedback
While a fully flyable ship currently impossible unless we find a way of moving immobile objects after saving, it is still possible to create useable vehicles and machines if your lucky. Although, it is often hard to find a use for such an odd creation. I had some good times with a "creation" on last resort...
I got a flying elephant link, really fun, and not the explosive kind either. Here. Don't know about a flying ship though.
The only way to make a flyable real ship (not a box).Is modding every single object that makes up the ship and thats on the ship including weapons,and spawn points to move in the same direction and speed on the x-axis.And I dont know how to do that.It would take lots of modding and hacking codes.Only Bungie knows!!!!.You can always petend Plus if you did get the ship to move it would crash into something.
Agreed the only problem is that when you fly the elephant you get really, i mean really bad lag and wouldn't recommend it. You can play it once but ya dont play in a party.