Bruuute wasup i just played some RBTB with u, nice job on map. i know i added u to test my map but please, if u ever got new map that needs testing, invite me (i must get in on teh epic winsauce =). anyways im glad u went in and added cover (the single walls) and great gameplay, also spawns are good to. nice job!!!!!
Yeah, I'll be sure to invite you for future map testings from now on. And I added the cover after Matty pointed out it was lacking a few things, so yeah.
Wow this is a very good looking map, the gameplay must kick ass and it's very aesthetic. Good to see some vehicles. 5/5
I really like this map, more than your other stuff. The only things that bug me is how easy it is to get out(though that's okay, and not too much too worry about. I also thought that perhaps a bit many weapons were hung on the walls, but that's fine, I really like the aesthetic touches, you did a good job here Brute.
Oh nunno, that was in the version I released at first, but since then as I stated I made an updated version, the current one, and it isn't really practically easy to get out, especially in game. I fixed the dumpster corner things and made a few walls higher, and moved some fusion coils, so it isn't as easy. And I only hung like four weapons on the wall, and that is becuase they are the power weapons.... but some people I guess just like one or two, that's still fine.
I tried this map out on FFA slayer with a party of 5, It played well accept for the beging spawns, Right off the bat i was face to face with 3 other people this could have just been a fluke but still. Second thing was the weapons, there were a few too many. Your astheics were great. I love the wall on the one side how it curves it looks really neat also the map played very well aswell. Im going to keep it on my hard drive, you did a great job Brute just watch out for the things i talked about up top. 4/5
OK Brute, i played on the map once, so i cant really give full criticism. We played a game of 8 player FFA, may have been too much for the map i think because spawns got out of hand and it was a massive AR brawl which is usually not fun. you should maybe work with your spawns a little. unless the map isnt meant for such large parties which maybe it isnt if the spawns got out of hand. The map looks VERY visually appealing tho. I loved the aesthetic touches. i will have to play some more games on it later and get some better feedback hopefully. is there any suggested Gametypes and party sizes so i can get a good test?
Just played on this map.Brute caption the map is truely,100%,out of this worldy amazing.Every feature of the map is creataive and new.The walls int he stairs was great and obviously well spent time.The little dinwo panel room is remarkable.The merging is perfect and alligned.Featured all the way.I love you.
To start, Brute Caption, lol, that's a new one. I'm not quite sure that every feature was new, so I'll give credit where credit is due. The idea for mounting a few of the weapons on the wall came from Crooked's Polished Lake map, and he is the one on this site who started that trend. The dumpster collumn, that idea was inspired by Matty's Reflex map which also used dumpsters on top of boxes. The bridge curved stucture, I based that off my tower in Jedwali. I just wanted you to know that everyone draws some great ideas from others and incorporates them in their own unique way.
Lol sorry Brute Captain .Now I love you more for being honest ,but still everything put together into one map was great so you and all those people get my love.
wow! this map looks really fun to play on and very well built. I like the unique interlocking and surfaces. I'll queue this. edit - ps: i like the name. its cool. (dunno why)
Ok, does that mean that where the power ups are placed is good? Or does it mean you like the power ups and spawns?