Flushing Em' Out

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by TecH, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. TecH

    TecH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome into sobriety. This is a puzzle map, and yes I am back again for round two.


    Reach is finally out and right when I got it I went straight to the forge, then put my attention into the campaign and an occasional matchmaking game here and there, and after about two days of that it was pretty much nothing but forge. While you guys have been doing whatever it is you crazy party animals do I was working hard on my puzzle map. That’s one of the things that disappoints me the most is that people don’t understand how hard these things are to build, I can make a competitive map so easily it’s not even funny, but let’s not get off topic. So, literally working day and night on this map basically just destroying my social life so I could get this out there.
    Allow me to answer one question while I’m giving the map it’s description; yes this is another map in my drug series. For those of you who don’t know let me recap on the Halo 3 maps I had and the addiction I struggled through. First there was Ecstasy, Valium 10mg, and finally Rehab. I had a whole bunch of other Halo 3 puzzles but those where my main series, and the series was going to conclude with Rehab with the basic hint of finally entering into sobriety. However, as you all can see, here we are again with a brand new and I promise you the last map in the series. I couldn’t leave you hanging with the trash that I going to originally. So yes, TecH has finally become clean, but now this map is the basic struggles of fighting to stay clean on the 12 step program. As you progress through the map the more steps you complete… Get it? So everyone is going to have to put their feet in the shoes of a past drug addict and complete your steps in order to live for what really matters and not just waste your life to drugs.

    Now that I’m done describing the map, it Is time to explain the game and map name. Each name has subliminal messages to them, you just decide which one you think would make more sense. Redemption means redeeming myself from the last map that you've seen, I do apologize for the map as well for I do realize now that it was just "ehhh" (sorry Em). Just around that time, forging became more of like a chore then it was recreation, so I had no motive to forge, and just wanted to put out another map. But now I have fallen in love all over again with forge, and this one was made out of pure enjoyment! Hmm, where were we? Awe, yes! Aaaannnnnd the second one is redeeming myself of sobriety, as you've noticed a connection with drugs and all that good stuff. The map name means, one, flushing out the drugs and getting back on track to what really matters. Then the last definition is flushing out the competition in the puzzle community. (Which there really isn’t, basically just raising the bar to the normal puzzle standards?) I have just been completely disgusted by the name people have been giving puzzles recently, I won’t say any names but let’s just say pretty much every puzzle map I’ve seen in reach is just completely awful. However that will now change ;)

    Now that we have all of that covered and out there, I think it’s about time for the pictures.

    Here we have the starting room. It is a suicide challenge, so be prepared..

    This is the first respawn area. (there's a lot of them) Take note into the open world feel from this point.

    I wonder if he's gonna make it??

    Welcome into my house! Take off your shoes before entering, thank you!

    Time to party!

    Hmmm, this is a very old challenge that I thought of in Halo 3, but never used it.

    If only there was some way to maneuver through that land mine!!

    Not a kill ball!

    You like the big rock in the middle. I thought it was pretty sick!

    I'm not gonna show this room, you'll have to get there yourself to see how awesome this one is. Credit goes to Creech n Spawn for this room and the challenge within it. Thanks homes!

    Ohh! The end never seemed so close.
    Welcome to sobriety everyone! Hopefully you can get there as well, it's not as hard as it looks! ;)

    Up next for the map post is a journal log we came across, there was only one page in it and the rest of the pages seem as if they’ve been ripped out. Here’s our discovery-

    Every day is like a fight just to stay away from drugs and not get urges, which I feel like I’ve been doing that pretty well, but an occasional thought here and there does come across my mind. My name is TecH, and I’m a drug addict.
    I try to wake up as late as I can so the days go by faster, normally end up finally waking up around 2pm. Sometimes I’ll even manage to sleep through the whole day, and night time isn’t a problem since I can just take my sleeping pills and go to bed. I don’t count sleeping pills as drugs, sure they’re addicting, but still, I was prescribed them because I have a sleeping problem. I do try hard to stay away from just taking them whenever I want to like in the past, I do. But sometimes I slip up and just take one. I don’t wanna sound like a teenager complaining about life, although I have had it rough. I don’t go to school, haven’t gone actually for about 2 years now, I would be a junior if I had wanted to apply myself to something however around that time it felt that everything in my life was just going down. I lost my best friend in a car crash, and it felt like I was losing friends all around me even though I wasn’t. So I would do anything to fit in with anyone, and then that’s when I was introduced to Dilaudid. That’s a pain pill, actually the strongest pain relievers you can get, they’re so ****ing addicting and expensive as **** at the same time. So whenever I ran out of money I would have to just take like 6 Tylenol just to get somewhat of a buzz. After money became an object between me and my drugs, next stop was at the doctor’s office. They’re so stupid, honestly, you can just make up some phantom pain and they’ll give you whatever. At first they prescribed me Codeine, which was ****, it didn’t do anything for me, so I went in again and said it wasn’t working for my back and then next they gave me Percocet. Still, not that high up in the pain relievers but sill worked for a buzz. Then, that’s when I had a sleeping problem, no matter what I couldn’t fall asleep. It was probably because I was just on that **** so much I couldn’t actually get the down time to just lay down. So they gave me what’s called Ambien. I would take up to 5 Percocet’s in the day and at night take 2 Ambiens. I was living the life and it felt great, until I overdosed. Around this general time the drugs weren’t getting me high so I took 7 Percocet’s and 3 Ambiens. Next thing I know, I’m in the hospital getting my stomach pumped. When I came close to death that’s when I actually woke up and realized what was happening so I had to gain control of my life again. That’s when the Rehab trip came along, My name is TecH and welcome to my struggle of sobriety.
    (Note- the journal is fictional)

    Shout outs- Big shout out to Creech n Spawn for the very last room. You’re sure to notice it once you arrive there, it’s the one that is awesomely forged, he made that one and put in his challenge, so thanks for that man. And also to Mander A1, for helping me test out the map and give me inspiration. To anyone else I didn’t put that feels they deserve to be in the shout outs, there’s a reason why you weren’t on my mind at the time and you probably don’t deserve to be noticed.

    Mander A1
    Creech n Spawn
    Anyone else who tested feel free to comment saying you did and I’ll put you up.

    Please pick up your prescriptions below, thank you

    Map Download

    Gametype(required!!) Download

    And to anyone having troubles with the map ~Walk-Through Video Here

    #1 TecH, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  2. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this looks pretty good. Is this a true story? Pretty bold. Also the puzzle seems really long, so it must be very thought out. I'll have to DL and try it. Hope it's not too hard =P.
  3. bib bob

    bib bob Ancient
    Senior Member

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    your maps hard as heck buddy. great job on pacing and overall structure and I really dig the open feel you give the player its a rather awesome experience to be playing a puzzle and be open.. on another note sorry about your addiction, I can slightly relate. I had a guy I worked with who OD on meth and it was pretty messed up to say the least.
  4. itsmebiff

    itsmebiff Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Finally! ive been waiting for one of your maps for reach for oh so long. And like i figured... you didnt disappoint (;. Ill have to come back and let you know what i think. But if its as good as your other ones im sure it'll be awesome!!
  5. TecH

    TecH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks you guys! I hope you enjoy it and by the way, if you could re-download it. There was a man cannon that would make you get stuck and I just fixed that. So V2 is up for grabs!! :)
  6. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    You map link is broken, might want to fix that.
  7. TecH

    TecH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Maybe you should re-check it because it's definitely working

    Edit- nevermind sorry, I thought you were talking about the bottom link to the map, well the top link is updated and working just fine
    #7 TecH, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  8. L337 PWN4GE

    L337 PWN4GE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I remember your maps, I think your maps were some of my favourite puzzle maps. Ill definetly download and beat it over the weekend!
  9. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wooo, yay the first stand-out puzzle map for Reach! This is how it's done folks.

    It feels like most Reach puzzle maps so far have been like Halo 3 puzzle maps, just in a different environment. This is the first puzzle map I've seen that actually feels like it belongs in Reach, and Reach only. Tech, you've done a great job of devising challenges that utilise new tricks that can only be done in this new game.

    Reach has only been out a few weeks and you've already torn it apart! Time for other puzzle makers to raise their game to the same standard as this map.
    #9 buddhacrane, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  10. Aramis

    Aramis Forerunner

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    I have to say it too that I have been waiting for your maps for Reach and now eager to try this out.. I will come back and give my opinion of it once I have completed (hopefully) it :D
  11. Creech n Spawn

    Creech n Spawn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map TecH. I love the map. I loved testing it and going over ideas since Reach came out to prepare for this map. You did a great job of involving great challenges as well as the environment in all of your puzzles. I am honored to be featured in such a great puzzle map.

    My only complaint is that you had so many more supplies to make atleast one more room if not two. Yes I know you ran out of ideas, but I think something like that is worth post poning the release date.
  12. TecH

    TecH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks you guys, it really means a lot to hear you people remember me from Halo 3 :)
    I appreciate the comments and if anyone is having any difficulties with the map, please feel free to comment or message me on live. I'll try my best to respond.
    And to Creech- yeah I should've put more time into it, I also wanted to get it out that night for some reason it's like I wanted people to see it.
    To Buddha- thanks man, haa, I can't wait for your puzzle, it's gonna be pretty boss!

    To everyone- Thanks for the support you guys have been giving me for the past years, it's always appreciated :)
    #12 TecH, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  13. Wwolf655

    Wwolf655 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey Tech out of all of the Puzzle maps ive every played on Reach this is by far my favorite!
  14. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I got off drugs using techs twelve step challenge, thanks tech!
    Excellent map tech, love the look of the first room. Your hard work has paid off. I cant wait to see the Paradox collab on reach.
  15. Aramis

    Aramis Forerunner

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    After a long time I finaly got it through :D It took a little while in some challenges as I first didnt have any clue what I was supossed to do but after a while I got it :D TY TecH it was very cool challenge and I'm looking forward for your next map.
  16. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Hey Tech, about time I dropped a comment over here hey? Anyways, nice job on the map man, this is going to be one we'll enjoy playing for months to come. You've given it a unique, free-roam feel that I haven't seen anywhere else. It's an awesome indication of your new style and I hope players will appreciate it and not get frustrated at the lack of direction. This map is begging to be explored, and you'll really have to use your noggin to make the connection that'll help you solve some of the most satisfying challenges around. Nice job Tech, and I'm stoked to see what part you come up with for our Paradox Collaborative map!
  17. TecH

    TecH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks mander, that means a lot coming from you bro, I can't wait to start on the paratroxity 2 map, and also am extremely excited for your map to come out, it's super fun and sure enough to have that awesome mander re-paly value! And Aramis, I'm glad you were able to beat it! I tried making this puzzle actually possible to figure out, so thank you for demoting your time to my new map. & D-ball, I appreciate a comment from you anyday, haa hope you liked the map man, and I'm glad my map helped you recover! Maybe these puzzle maps aren't just to make people mad after all!!!!!!!!!!!!
    #17 TecH, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  18. blockhead573

    blockhead573 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    hey Tech great map, it has some interesting and difficult challenges that i probably wouldn't have been able to get through without your help. Can't wait for paratroxity 2. Had hours of fun playing on this map, so keep them coming plz.
  19. Norbo11

    Norbo11 Forerunner

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    can someone please help me? i dont know how to suicide myself in the first room. I can kill my teammates, but not myself.
  20. TecH

    TecH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You have to make sure that you're host to be able to do it. And you can tell by it you get on top of the dice and swing at your feet. It should hurt you every swing if you're positioned right. But that won't kill you all the way, you'll need to figure out how to finish yourself off

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