Source: Thursday, August 21, 2008 - 10:56 AM EDT National report: Florida ranks 34th in obesity Tampa Bay Business Journal Nearly a quarter of Floridians are obese, and if that sounds like a lot, the rate is higher in 33 other states. So said a report issued Tuesday by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trust for America's Health, adding that adult obesity rates rose in 37 states in the last year. They did not decline in any state. Florida's obesity rate rose 1.1 percentage points to 22.9 percent, ranking it 34th on the list. The report, now in its fifth year, is titled "F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies Are Failing In America, 2008" and castigates federal, state and local governments for poor or patchwork policies aimed at curbing obesity. All 50 states and D.C. have physical education legislation aimed at schools, but only 13 have enforceable language in their laws, and only four include sanctions or penalties for failing schools or districts. "Experts estimate that if we keep on the current course, 75 percent of Americans will be overweight or obese by 2015," the report said. Colorado was "the leanest state" in the report and the only one with an obesity rate below 20 percent. Even so, its rate rose from 17.6 percent to 18.4 percent. Mississippi, West Virginia and Alabama led the list, all with adult obesity rates over 30 percent. Childhood obesity rates did not rise this year for the first time in 25 years, but experts aren't sure if this is merely a statistical blip or the result of public health campaigns. Source:
Lol. We all know the american south would be the fattest. On account of good home cookin', game huntin', and kentucky fried chicken
Florida is the 34th fattest state in the U.S., yet they are in the conference that is the fastest in college football. WHAT
Also to add to that, realize that the only state that requires children to participate in Physical Education is here in Illinois, but yet we set a bad example, since Illinois is ranked the 11th fattest state. That's the only good thing about our state government, lawlz.
I just don't get how some people can get so immensely overweight. Now if they live in a ghetto and don't have access to fresh greens, then I understand a bit more, but if they live in the suburbs, once in a while I would think people might have a salad instead of a plate of fries topped with bacon, cheese, and onions. Ooooooh that sounds so delicious now!
That's the problem, the food is delicous, cheap, and easy to access. That's why so many people eat Fast food and fatty foods
Look at this video... It is just sad and somewhat disturbing...
I live in Florida too... And if I remember correctly not far from where you live... There are quite a bit of fat people... In my neighborhood all my "friends" are fat... But there are a lotta fit people too...
I don't eat very healthy, I admit, but I'm so in shape that I don't gain much weight. It'll catch up with me though...
Same here... I swim, bike, skateboard, surf, wind surf, wake board and all but I am like constantly eating stuff I shouldn't be... I'll probably be really fat one day...