Thanks whitelime, im glad you like it. My next map will be pretty similar, i might get started tommorow if planning goes good. A grenade jump? id like to know where, i checked all of the areas. I could not do it after more than 10 minutes trying. The wall is simply too high. Please dont judge my map from observations alone. A sniper rifle? Reactor Core had 2, and that was arguebly smaller, and much more close quarters. I find a sniper rifle very fun on this map. I, bieng a big sniper lover, can have much more fun with it. Its not overpowered, its probably underpowered, but its just fun to use.
SEXY MAP. Ok this map is so great. Interlocking is to the highest precision I was like. WTFOMGBBQLOL when I saw it. It plays great too with smaller parties. Like in the morning or very late at night when your friends log off.
it seems too small for me and not enough cover on it.It also looks very easy to span kill so i think it needs to have more over if its going to be small or u can just make it bigger.2/5
Umm. I cant help but think this is retaliation because i pointed out the flaws in your map? Anyway, its a small map because i made a small map. Thats the reason why there isnt a wraith present or anything.. Spawn camping isnt really a big issue, because its a 1-3 player map.