Floodgate Map: Last Resort Gametypes: Infection 10-16 Players Recommended Description: Humans are trapped in the base with zombies coming through the floodgate. They have limited ammo and must survive until the gate is closed. Humans spawn in the base with descreased speed, increased gravity, and a plasma pistol. There are a few pistols and ARs, fire grenades, and portable shields near where the humans start, and 1 shotgun closer to the floodgate. The weapons have no respawn while the grenades and shields do. Zombies have 100% gravity and speed and start with swords in camp froman at one end with a teleporter at the other with boxes between them to slow the rate at which the zombies can come through the portal. Once through the portal there are 2 forklifts for the zombies to use as cover, they must try to infect the humans before the gate closes. I suggest getting as many people as possible for this game, atleast 10. Any less and its near impossible for the zombies to win.
This goes under Casual maps... please pay attention. As for the map, simple camping and the humans win. Nothing different there...
Me and my friends love this map. However, we went innto forge and blocked your little secert passage out of the base because it started ruining the game. The teleporters look awesome though. (Also we cleared out some of the obsticles where the zombies spawn so its not as frustrating.)
I was trying to copy the name of the campaign level, thats why I named it floodgate. And thanks everyone for the positive comments.