Flood Lock [Reborn]

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by XxXIsrael6XxX, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. XxXIsrael6XxX

    XxXIsrael6XxX Forerunner

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    Flood Lock[Reborn]

    Flood Lock [Reborn] is my recreation of my map Flood Lock. ~50% of Flood Lock was recreated or re-designed with the end product being this map here. If you happened to be one of the 4300+ people that downloaded the original map "Flood Lock" then looking at this you will see a major difference. I believe this map to be at least 5x as fun as the old version.​

    Flood Lock [Reborn] Video Trailer (720p) (This is a walk through video inter-weaved with game play.)

    Major Changes

    Weapons on Map

    Map Description
    Flood Lock is a symmetrical map that utilizes low and high spots along with water to alter the game play in a way not seen by many maps. On top of being out in the open kickin ass, you have the option to quickly traverse to either side of the map by means of "flooded" tunnels. Through these tunnels you can re-emerge in the center of the map or in one of its 4 corners, this allows for fun and surprising objective type game play.

    I replaced the 5x5 Walls that used to surround the map with coliseum windows, giving you a better view, this also makes the map feel less enclosed than it did before. Plus, Who doesn't like a nice view of the falls or the island?
    Overview #2

    Blue Bunker
    I made these bunkers ontop of each bride on either side of the map to give the player reason to traverse to the sides of the map, from inside the bunker you are not only protected from 90% of the map but you are also given a small window to shoot from. Underneath each of these you will find the shotgun spawn as well.
    Blue Spawn

    Red Spawn

    Flooded Tunnels
    Here you can see the main center entrance into the tunnels that are located underneath the map. These tunnels can be used for very strategic game play allowing the player to traverse the map slightly slightly slower than normal, but with much less risk of being seen or caught in a crossfire.

    Grenade Launcher Spawn
    Before this room did not have the windows that it has now, these windows help maintain major battle areas, limiting the attack range of whoever goes in but still giving you good sight lines of the red and blue bunkers.

    Hope you all enjoy
    I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts​

    Edited by merge:

    I made a minor mistake in the game types.. I accidentally selected "Rocket Race", this is false, "Rocket Race" is not a game type compatible with this map. Sorry if anyone downloaded it hoping to play rocket race lol
    #1 XxXIsrael6XxX, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011

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