Hey everyone, First off: I'm sorry if there was in some sort or another already a thread for this, but since I couldn't find anything related to it and I wanted to share this neat little glitch with you guys nonetheless, I figured I'd just post a new thread over here. Anyway, when forging my Flood map Destitute in Chains a couple of months ago, I discovered that just like the humans, the Flood players too had the Hologram Armor Ability to their disposal in the pre-round menu. They couldn't use it because I had disabled it for the Flood, but it did appear in their loadouts. So far nothing fancy, just a little glitch I thought. However, today I wanted to try out a modded gametype where Flood players have sprint, and I soon learned that the sprinting wasn't unlimited like I wanted it to be. Then it hit me: What if I give the humans the Mobility tactical package, so they'll have unlimited sprint? Will that too affect the Flood players' loadouts, just like what happened with the Hologram? This is where things get interesting, because as you can guess, it did. By customizing an originally human-concerned equipment piece, I was able to give the Flood players the same (desired) traits because it was translated over from the human loadouts onto their loadouts. In other words, this is a way to customize Flood players' Armor Abilities, or to give them tactical packages or support upgrades! When it comes to AA's, you can obviously just disable its usage for human players so the AA's will even be unique for the Flood players. This doesn't go for support upgrades and tactical packages though, so be aware that for instance if like in my example you're willing to give the Flood players unlimited sprint by giving them the Mobility tactical package, human players will have unlimited sprint as well. This doesn't take away the fact that this can prove to be a very helpful glitch for you, just like it turned out to be for me while brainstorming on a way to give the Flood unlimited sprint, especially when trying to change the Flood's AA. Have fun putting this discovery into practice guys, I hope this was helpful for you! It surely was for me.
This is done by editing base player traits andnot the starting loadouts themselves, correct? If so, couldnt you just give the humans a loadout to cancel out any of the changes you wanted for flood and not humans? Say you wanted mobility flood but not for humans, wouldnt just giving the humans a single loadout that didnt have mobility on it work?
No, because I believe when you add mobility to base player traits, it fills it in all loadouts. Only way to get mobility on Flood only is modding.
just checked it out. Base playertrats overwrite any differences in loadouts. So if I have base player traits set t give people PV, it is in every single loadout, both human and flood. Regardless if there is another ability selected for that loadout. So, only real workaround is to use a perk that you dont mind humans having as well, and if you were giving the flood an ability you have to put a defenders traitzone set to no ability usage.
FYI, Starship Ghost's idea which he posted in my similar thread works. If you want only Flood to have a AA, you can put a trait zone around the whole map that is flaged to the Defenders that sets AA to Disabled, and that works. I am trying to get even more complex w/ it, but wanted to let you all know that trick does work.
Sucks that Trait Zones cost $50 of Forge budget. You probably gotta delete significant forge pieces on LaForge to use trait zones. Your better off with a modded gametype so you don't have to remove any aesthetics. Although if you have the budget that's a good alternative for Flood traits.
I think this can be very helpful, I will keep this in mind when I am going to make Flood gametypes for several maps of mine. Nice find REM!