Flood Damage

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by A Haunted Army, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. A Haunted Army

    A Haunted Army Your Local Pessimist
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Flood Damage

    the water has receded from what was once a flooded building.



    update 23 - 10 2011:
    - added infection
    - added headhunter
    - added territories
    - added stockpile
    - added oddball
    - now supports FFA and multi team
    - now have a video walkthrough.
    #1 A Haunted Army, Oct 23, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2011
  2. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    The map looks a little tight, I like the tactical jumps, those are always fun, but in your first picture maybe line up the ramp circulars? It looks awkward, I can't play test this cause my router broke, otherwise I would.
  3. X RS Sniper X

    X RS Sniper X Forerunner

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    You do know some people are busy right ? and have some other stuff to do so you don't need to get all mad.

    Anyway's onto the map and at least add a storyline towards your map and post a weapon's list and is there any Frame-rate lag ? in split screen also ? Put those things into mind and there is my advice.
  4. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I remember playing this, and had I noticed this thread earlier, I would've posted.

    The map had very fast-placed gameplay. Very movement-based; the other team planned their movement and knew their surroundings, and it showed. Movement and positioning turned the tide of battle, and there were many options for both. At times, it felt a little open, but that's because my team wasn't as well-coordinated, and the map punished us for it as it should have.

    To anyone who's reading this, I highly recommend trying the map out.
  5. A Haunted Army

    A Haunted Army Your Local Pessimist
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    @X RS Sniper X
    i can accept people are busy but it's pretty obvious that members where viewing this for 2 days and ignoring it while replying to people they know, it's funny how i mention favoritism and people start to reply.

    for a story line? there isn't realy one, i don't put a story line behind maps i just build and create and weapon list isn't really needed in a preview because they don't say where they are placed on the map for feedback so it's kind of pointless saying what weapons are on the map unless it is a submission

    @davidjcobb, thanks, the respawn zones have been rotated 90degree's and the spawns neatened up abit since you last played it, the people over at blueprint have been helping me with that.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Get over it. Everybody else around here has to. Much as you might like it to be, Forge Hub is not a meritocracy. People decide how interested they are in a released or previewed map based on a few quick criteria - how much of a grabber is the thread, how cool-looking or unique are the screenshots, and do I know or have a reason to suck up to the map creator. To some extent it's annoying, but it's also perfectly understandable given that there are dozens of new maps that pop up here every single week. Nobody has time to give lengthy, complex feedback on every last map. If you want to ensure some responses, find some people from here to get into custom games with and start showcasing your map. Then when you put up a preview thread or release it, let the people who played it with you know that it's out there. That usually will get the ball rolling at least a little bit.

    You gotta network a little bit. Otherwise, your map is just one of thousands, and odds are very slim that it will be awesome enough at just a glance to get a lot of attention.
  7. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Exactly. Get to know people on the site, play with them a lot, show them your maps, and then when you finally put up the thread, they will probably check it out because they played on it (at least that's what I do).
  8. A Haunted Army

    A Haunted Army Your Local Pessimist
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    uhm, i thought the entire idea was to get feedback unbiased feedback, if only people i know give me feedback on my map then it is going to be abit biased and i'm look for opinions from other people i do no know aswell to get a better idea of what people think.

    you pretty much said "just get to know people and then get biased feedback"
  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Find people you don't know on the forum, and get into custom games with them. Just because they've played your map a few times or been in a game with you doesn't mean you're friends.

    When you get right down to it though, you're rarely going to get feedback that isn't a little biased in one way or another.
  10. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Protip: a passive-agressive attitude towards your peers will ALWAYS invoke a mature, helpful response.

    I think there is something wrong with your statement because I clicked on the thread to check it out with no other intentions. And I think the same goes for other people because there is no popup that appears next to threads that scream "DRAMA ALERT"

    Not many take the effort to read an entire post + watch a video and then throw that effort away by not doing anything about it. Either way, get over it. Even if there is a gem of a product, if the producer has no means of advertisement and no social footprint, it will remain buried; that is applicable to any product.

    Sooo about that map:

    -the middle bridge looks way too open from all angles
    -the tactical jump platfortms are way too deeply embedded into the walls + aren't a good area to put weapons on top: it makes grabbing weapons incredibly inconvenient
    -the hallway with the plasma pistol and plasma grenades (shown at about 1:34 in the vid) is incredibly narrow and open: bad contribution to map movement

    -the top level (aside from the middle bridge) and the ramps leading up look good
    -aesthetics are good
    #10 Loscocco, Oct 24, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2011
  11. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Incoming biased feedback

    Video: You don't need to constantly shoot for no reason. The only purpose it serves is to annoy the person viewing the video. Same goes for picking up every weapon you can find, we see the weapon, you don't need to pick it up and shoot at it's spawn for 5 minutes.

    Map: Every single one of those tactical jumps seem worthless. I say this because the amount of time it took you to do any given one of them, you could've just walked up an incline right next to it. Look at Powerhouse or Zealot for examples of what a useful tactical jump is. The water barely coming through the floor is also a bad thing. Not only will it affect your framerate but it's also extremely annoying to look at while playing. I'm going to agree with Coco in saying that weapons on platforms that high are a bad idea. Not only are they out of sight for the most part, but you have to jump to pick them up.
  12. oOMr BecksOo

    oOMr BecksOo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a pretty decent map, I'm not great at reviews especially for these types of maps as I find them boring no offence! But what I am interested in is how you are treating people because they are not interested in your map. Just take all the advice you get and be h
    appy that you have that advice and try and think about why they give you it and try and use it to improve on the thing you have, I too would say that bridge looks way too open and straighten up those circular ramps, also the videos no offence where rather boring as there wasn't any action? tbh? grab our attention!

    Kind Regards
    ~ Becks
  13. A Haunted Army

    A Haunted Army Your Local Pessimist
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    thanks for the feedback.

    i mentioned the favoritism just catch peoples and provoke replies and it seemed to have worked...

    the bridge being open i did on purpose, i didn't wan't it to be the main point of the map but from a DMR start session it seems to have had to opposite effect.

    the circular ramps where the rockets spawn aren't awkward and are even, it's just the angle i took the picture at, the structure is pretty smooth to walk over and blocks lines of sight across bottom center.

    the platform larges where originally there for asthetics but the position of the pillars where i used them provided an optional jump up route and i thought they're a little ledge and may aswell utilize them.

    for the PP corridor, i don't know, it's narrow but it isn't that long and i can't put anything down there to break up the line of sight abit because of how narrow it is and i can't realy open it up without break some of the map structure, i'm going to have to look in to it.

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