Hey Guys how u doin? i Know its been a long time that i posted x-) But i wanted to share a map remake i'm doing called Flockout and you never guess what map i am remaking x-) Flockout: Its still a W.I.P. though. Comment away!!!
Okay I will take a shot at this A map that has been remade 100 times that I already have a perfect remake of....
ohhhkay....... So what your trying to say is.... No i won't lower myself... Thanks for the Constructive Feedback! Will think about changing that......
There is a massive problem with this map already. Your using way to many items for one part and your using items with a lot of glass on them. This causes massive framerate lag and makes maps unplayable. This is because glass uses lots of polygons and the more polygons used means more framerate lag. I suggest scrapping this and restarting or moving on to a new project, as this map has been done over 9000 times.