Floating Castle iM so PerFect Gametype: RaceTrack (10 Laps) Players: 1-5 Description: Floating Castle has a castle based theme to it. It is all enclosed so there is no possible way for you to fall off the track. It is a double wide track which has many pleasing structures. Blue Castle, Red Castle, Pyrimad, Bump Strip, and more. It is a short track but no super short, and should be played with 10 or more laps. This map has used every item to the item limit, because of this, there is the honor system since I was not able to make it cheat proof. If you have ideas on how I can without deleting to much stuff, please share. Pictures: Layout Start and Finish Blue Castle Bumps Red Castle Download: Floating Castle
I like the overall idea that you've intended with Floating Castle yet I personally think it wasn't done to the fullest extent. I'll tell you what I think needs to be improved upon in your track first then I will suggest some ideas to fixing them. Even though I like the idea of having various objects in my path of driving I don't think it was manipulated properly. Sometimes you can be constricted in such a narrow passage way that with a plethora of players and it can be frustrating getting out of that situation. The first jump in your map was quite rocky and bumpy not only to myself but to other players in my party. Many times that jump resulted in having multiple flipped over mongeese and/or struggle to get back and going smoothly as to how they were before that jump. For some reason that I have no idea why but many times when starting a game on your track another player will spawn in front of me when they should be spawning facing their mongoose. That usually leads to pushing that person a good distance in front of me, giving them a disadvantage. One of the last things I would like to touch up upon is the finish line. Now, I understand that it isn't a cheat proof finish line, but it didn't even give a point when crossing passed it. That by far is probably your biggest flaw. Since, I have just told you everything that I found that can be improved upon on Floating Castle, I would like to give a few suggestions to those flaws. For the obsticles on your map it would simply be fixed by rearranging them in more of a neater fashion. For the scaffoldings, they can be lined up together so there wouldn't be any mishaps or congestions and the colomns can possibly placed stright up or substitiuted with another object. I think the obsticles can be a problem due to the confined space when going pass them. The first jump can possibly be improved by raising the second set of ramps so that they're interlocked with the higher set of ramps. I think the solution to not getting points is that your destination is too thin. By simply making it a little wider I'm sure that will fix your problem. Overall, I think it was a nice attempt at making a racetrack that differentiates from other racetracks. I would like to see some of these flaws improved upon though, I believe it has good potential if they are fixed.