Save the map under my name? On MY harddrive? Would be stealing a map? Enough with the fragments... umm, the only way I could steal a map would be to put my name on it and post it as my own somewhere. I can do whatever I want to it on my harddrive. I didn't say I posted it anywhere. I said I changed it for the better on my verson on my hardrive for me to play. Enough with the prepositional phrases... I was just saying that if you wanted to look at any changes I made and maybe use the ideas from them in the making of a V2, I would gladly show you. Just trying to help. Looking forward to the new maps.
the thing is that i noticed that the sign respawned after like a couple minutes so you could change the respawn time, thats all.
im actually suprised that this only has 4 stars i think it deserves more. all of those loops and hills and turns look ver well made.
Oh my god! this track is insane! This is seriously by far the most amazing track that I have ever seen, I saw that quassar got featured! this needs to get featured, this is sooo much better than quassar. I love the bridge ramp it looks amazing and in one of the pictures i think that i see a man cannon under it, so it must make you fly up it really fast or something! 5/5 for me! keep it up!
Hey, thanks alot man I think your the first person that actually really liked the map! I wouldent agree with the fact that this is better then Quasar, but yes your right the man cannons keep you at a fast speed, which makes the racetrack extremely fun to race on Im currently working on a new racetrack, which Im sure you'll like much better then this!
Hey, I noticed your the creator of Salberd, so I decided to take a look at this! To be honest, it dosen't look nearly as great as Salberd, but really original and pretty smooth. To be honest with you, the elevator looks terrible, especially hitting it at an angle like that, looks like it would be quite a hassle. I like the idea of the hidden sheild doors, I loved the geo-merged bridge and I like that box turn, even better for your FIRST racetrack! 4/5, cant wait to see your next track bud!