FLIPSIDEIntroduction Hey Guys! I'm back with another new map! It is called Flipside. I have been working on it for a week and now it is done! (YAYYYY!!!!!!!!) Description: Flipside is a close quarters slayer asymmetrical map for 2-8 players made on a money-glitched canvas on Foundry. It was originally going to be made for the Lazy Map Maker's Contest but once I was far into making the map, I realized that you couldn't use a money-glitched canvas for the LMMC. Heartbroken, I interlocked most of the stuff I had already done. Okee Dokee, now that I'm done clearing that up I will tell you the rest of the stuff you guys want (or not) want to see. It is named Flipside because each part is designed to feel different than the other. Weapons and Equipment (this list does not list the 'nades): SMG x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Sniper Rifle x1 Beam Rifle x1 Carbine x1 Rocket Launcher (in secret place) x1 Mauler x1 Battle Rifle x1 Deployable Cover x1 Bubble Shield x1 Tripmine x1 SCREENIES!!!!! Blue Base By jedieli at 2008-08-26 Red Base By jedieli at 2008-08-26 Room By jedieli at 2008-08-26 Secret Area at Red Base(Hard to get to) By jedieli at 2008-08-26 Area By jedieli at 2008-08-26 Action Pics: By jedieli at 2008-08-26 By jedieli at 2008-08-26 By jedieli at 2008-08-26 By jedieli at 2008-08-26 By jedieli at 2008-08-26 By jedieli at 2008-08-26 Special Thanks and Closing: Special thanks to Mister Hat for supporting me, and to HomieG54 and Desert Rat 852 for being good friends. I will put more pics later when I get the chance. I hope you all like the map, jedi eli PSlease play before you comment!
This map is decent... There isn't much interlocking, the layout is bland and it is a little sloppy. With some more work this map could be great. 3/5 PS flip the boxes
Lol! that last pic. He's break dancing on his head! It's an ok map for me, I can't really tell what this map is about from some of the pics. Please add more!
I think it looks pretty cool, I'll DL and try it out with some buddies. Right now, from the pictures and what you have said I give it a 4/5.
Some of the boxes arent flipped because they're open and the design (if you've happened to notice the map is designed where most of the boxes are on certain sides in each area. And it matters more about the gameplay not by the looks)
See that dude with the sword owning jedi thats me anyways this map is decent notice i said decent just smooth some stuff by interlocking and geomerging that grav lift would be great
Your map looks nice gameplay wise, however it could have a little bit more aesthetics and forging 101 techniques. Im sure you know how to interlock. Nice Map ( below is link to forging 101) Forging 101
Hey it's Matt the Hat!!! I forgot to tell you that when I was forging I looked in the inventory and it wouldn't let me put down any objects and I didn't delete the infinite money glitch objects. I guess you'll have to help me with my next map.
looks like fu but a little bland stop flaming him about flippig boxes that are obvioulsy open..... i hate so many barriers lined up together but then again thats just a pet peve of mine a tille more work into this map and a few more asthetic touches and youll ahve yourself a delicious map
Very cool Eli! I was wondering what you were doing next! Nice to see a good, small asymmetric map once in a great while. Great Job, DLing Cheers! Desert Rat 852
I think that your map needs more interlocking and more pictures, No offence, But the map sort of reminds me of the crappy map: Predator, You know, The crappy map that was put together badly by some A**Hole. I'm not calling your map bad or anything, I give 4/5, But it needs Improvement. :\
Great job Eli! I love the interlocking and the way it plays. 5/5 Thanks for mentioning me in the Closing Comments and you mentioned I was your friend. That means a lot to me. Hopefully you will help me test my new map and you will be in mine not just testing but for Moral Support. Great Job.
The layout looks okay, but you need to make the floors made out of boxes look a little nicer or neater that what they are right now. Also, take more pictures of the map and less close ups of spartans. If you absolutely need to have a fight going on in the pic, zoom out so we can see the map too.
Thanks. Just tell me when your testing and I'm there. I'll get some more pics for this map tomorrow. I'll try to get you, Desert Rat 852, and maybe Mr Amazing 103 in the pics I'll put. I'm also gonna start working on a map based on Rorke's Drift.
Its k... it looks a little bit sloppy in some areas it's not a map i would download but i can see you are an up and coming forger just keep forging and you will get better and better 3/5
No Problem. I still have to add a few things, should take me a hour or two, and then I should be all set. I might take you and some of the tester guild members too. Is that okay? And did you get a new mic yet?
Nice change of pace for once. I mean, when you can say that about a small foundry slayer map that means something. Good work, looks alright, kinda sloppy, moar interlocking, and this map demands flipping boxes. Nice job 3.5/5.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Community Reviewer: Silent OO Death =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Map Review- Description: 4/5 Pictures: 2/5 Map Idea: 3/5 Map Quality {layout}: 2/5 Map Quality {looks}: 4/5 Comments: Well the areas of improvement are that the boxes could be flipped which is a mistake unworthy of the title flip-side because you actually didn't use the flip side. Also the map in general looks way to simple. Overall: 3/5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~~~~~~Silent Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me.