yeah, wouldn't you just fall back down to the floor when you "flip"?? in otherwords, i'm really confused
I think I understand... You don't flip, the map flips...kind of...There are 2 seperate rooms on a map, one with a base on the bottom, and if you look up you can see what the other side's base will look like. You go through a teleporter to the other room, which is the flipped version of the first one, so the base that was on the ceiling in the first room would be on the ground, and the base that was on the ground would be on the ceiling. It just looks like you flipped sides, but you really didn't. My sketch to confuse you more : First room ____D_ ..........................................................._D____T Second room : _D____T ...................._____D_ Sorry if this doesn't help your understanding.
Yeah yeah yeah, I get the concept, and it would be sweet, but how is it playable? You can't alter gravity.