Are you not also attracted to the idea of being the center of attention? If you're just using your power of flight to make your commute faster and cheaper, you aren't using your imagination.
Thats pretty damn good burn there furious. Whilst i admit flight would be awesome, being invisible just has more fun perks.
Exactly invis is awesome, I always prefer that over then overshield in Halo. Flight yea, you could save a ton of mony. But who says you have actually live a life. When your invisible, your basically no1. No1 knows about, thus, you can live however you wanted. Meaning that is if you stole a car, no1 would know who to look for. Flying, everyone will eventually know who you are. Some may actually try to kill you, and, you wont really steal anything and crap. So, since im rather cynical, I choose invis. Edit:4got to uncheck the sig. Sorry!
Dude same here, I love the dreams where it feels like I am flying, very epic. I would choose to fly, just because it would be amazing and although invisibility would be cool flying would just be.. I don't know how to explain it is just better than invisibility, hows that for an argument.
Invisibility probably has more perks, but I just have to say that flying would be BA. Not really an argument, but that's it. Flying.
Dang... hard question... I think flight would be fun and you wouldn't have to pay for gas to go everywhere and you could go practically anywhere but invisibility would be fun to spy on people and pull pranks.... I probably would pick flight though..
You'd still leave fingerprints. And it wouldn't be long before they got some heat sensing equipment to use to see you.
Even though I am more of an introvert, I think flight is simply superior in terms of an ability. With flight you can go anywhere, easily, traveling the world for free, never stopping would be a beautiful experience.
its kind of like charm in second sight you can make people not see you but certain machines will always be able to see you period (by the way second sight is epic) also they can still hear you so it would be a little harder than you think robbing people blind 'for every positive outcome there is an equal opposite reaction'-Albert Einstein i think but that thing about the man who would ask that is pretty cool. ps. turn off your sigs!!!!
Actually, the ability to fly would be a little like invisibility. Think about it; how often do you take the time to look up when you're going about your day? I used to work in the construction industry, and I can't tell you how many times I was in an elevated position and people would wander below me oblivious to what was directly overhead. I'm sure once word got out that a flying dude was tooling around the city, you'd be noticed much more, but even then I think people would just return to their normal tunnel vision of their world like they always do. And this is all assuming that a not-so-secret government faction doesn't try to incapacitate you and run experiments on you for the rest of your life to find out how to turn you/your ability into a military weapon.
For those of you just "voting", you'll probably get an infraction or warning about spam. The point of all this was to learn something about yourself, and maybe debate the findings of the gentleman who did the "research". But perhaps people are just reading the OP and then voting, so I'll edit my explanation for the thread into the OP. Remember, this is a debate forum, not a read-the-first-post-and-then-state-your-opinion-even-though-no-one-cares-about-you-anyway forum.
Flight definitely. You could go anywhere at any time and you don't need to pay for it. Also, you could be become a ninja (for all you people who aren't ninjas already) and do awesome flips and crap. You could also be a jedi. sorry forgot about sig would be awesome to fly up to a plane and lay right on top of the cockpit windows then the two pilots are like WTF~!~?~
There is really an upside to both powers. Invisibility would be awesome. All the things you could do. I mean really, you could have tos of fun with this. Flight would also be awesome. Soaring through the sky. you don't have to pay for gas! There is really no....can't think of the word. There is really no 'work' you need to fly. You just go. IF I could pick, I think I would pick invisiblity. But then again, flight would be awesome. I'll take both. *Grabs power pills* *Turns invisible and flies off*
I say flight.I would love to fly by planes or helicopters or just to get like 16545676546 girls in a day.