FLATLINGCanvas: Foundry testers: me ,wakemaker05, crimsonhat551, dreampiggy37, dirty dio, kazama blood, cd95 v2, red man maker Gametypes: Slayer, CTF, Assault, Oddball, KOTH testers rating: 5/5 Map size: medium Players: 2-12 MAP DOWNLOAD HERE V2 DOWNLOAD HERE This is a symetrical map taking on the shape of avelanche with the giant U form this map has a center where you can crouch to get to the other side and me and my freind tested it so that you get to the other side at the same time if you go that way or not theres a mongoose at each base only spawn on symetrical gametypes there is one sword in the crouch middle and a grav hammer at the bridge hill both at a respawn of 180 secs the map is very balanced and is very fun for team game and ffa recomend CTF Description: The war between red army and blue army Rages on at Flatling Red vs Blue forever! what side are you on? WEAPON LIST: 4 BRS 2 carbines 4 smgs 1 sword 1 grav hammer 4 2 spikers 4 assault rifles 2 maulers 1 plasma rifle 1 power drain 1 energy heal 6 plasmas 4 spike nades 6 frags PICS: ROFL SMELL MEH ARMPITS! PICS OF UPDATES: added oversheild and camos to show what side is which in the middle MADE middle staircases even Merged the stand to the sheild door with the box ALSO making A MLG Version
Aha! So here we are at another map =] This map looks like it's providing another number towards the list of arena styled maps that Halo3 is seriously laking in and it looks to me like you did a pretty darn good job of it. From the smooth side pathways to the interlocked staircases this map seems to work effectively while keeping up appearances. Though I have not played this map specifically I can see it working very well with enough cover to keep you alive but not so much that it comes down to a camping situation. Having the lower path creates excellent cover to protect yourself while also leaving open the option of being pummeled by a grenade. Now the only things I can see in this map that could do with some tweaking is the two staircases forming that high bridge, they seem a bit uneven in the pictures. Also the shield in the first picture would look a lot better if it was lowered so you can not see the stand (Merge it with the double box). One potential problem I see with this map, however, is getting out of it. Gravity Hammer and grenades or just a tricky person. Have you tested to see if it's escapable? And to be honest I can't think of much more to say. This map has what I would call a basic layout but seems to pull it off quite well. This looks to me like a definite download and... well... When I get my box back this map will be one of the first I play =]
it actually does because you go under there and the rest of the team goes around and youll be at the other side at the same time lol Have you tested to see if it's escapable?- yes that was the first thing i tested you cant get out unless you turn on 50% grav lol
This map looks simple but i think that you have pulled it off well, the appearance of the map makes it look like it flows well. I will d/l and come back if i have anything else to say. Great idea Edit: you should pst your map to bungie, its against the rules to post to fileshare :S
ok whitelin let me know what yo think after you try it P.S if anyone finds away out pm me so i can fix it!
Nice well built map i like the interlocking also may i ask what type of weapons you have on the map or if you have a game type witch have a certain weapon ok cause i would say the weapons are the most important part to any shooting game
you captured the U shape very well. if you were going to make a V2 consider making it bigger. then i canz seys u can havz recon now. lol
Very interesting, nice interlocking and looks very smooth! Other than the crouch areas, it looks a lot like Avalanche so not very original. But still, superb map!
it looks great and fun to play on. as reynbow said halo 3 is lacking arena style maps and this one looks great
The mancannons in the middle look really cool in pics 3 and 7. You should post a list of the weapons and equipment though, that way people dont have to figure out by looking at the pics
You guys wanted a weapon list here it is: 4 BRS 2 carbines 4 smgs 1 sword 1 grav hammer 4 2 spikers 4 assault rifles 2 maulers 1 plasma rifle 1 power drain 1 energy heal 6 plasmas 4 spike nades 6 frags there you go guys oh and jay i cant make it bigger theres not enough stuff to make a wall around thats as big as it can go =( so no reconzfor meh
UPDATE!!: check the first page to se what i did thanks guys took alot of your ideas thanks for the help