I decided to learn how to script this summer, with the ultimate goal of creating a flash game. As of now, I have HTML down pretty good, and will begin java script shortly. Actual flash game creation, from what I understand, is best performed on Adobe Flash Professional with ActionScript. Is this correct? How long does it typically take to make a somewhat simple game?
I have been exposed to flash very briefly when I was in to... erm.... stick figure animation(with pivot). yes, there are entire forums dedicated to it.... Anyways, before I wandered off of animating, I stumbled around with flash. It took me about 3 hours to make a simple start and stop button that started a little animation and a movie. This was as a beginner though(but I had also been using HTML and CSS at the time, so not a n00b to coding).. My friends and acquaintances who would make games(GOOD games, may I add) would take a month or two before the semi-final release, or final. Some really great ones take longer. I don't know for sure though, it has been a while.
I figured it would take a few months. Do you know what code they use, or what the standard code is? I'm checking out some forums now...
Flash uses actionscript, actionscript 2 is fairly easy to learn due to it being very similar to other coding styles such as if statements etc and it has some easy terminology for what would be very complicated actions to actually code. Actionscript 3 however is much harder to learn but it can be used to create some extremely good applications. If you want easy street and are making a simple game I would go with actionscript 2 and it will help lead onto 3. Good luck
Look in the G&A section, most people there do. Also if you are going to be posting flash related stuff, G&A is your best bet.
just to point out theres a pretty good tutorial on kongregate for flash games, I've nevr attempted to make flash games before but I followed the tut and made a simple space themed side scroller in a few hours.
Cargo: FLash Related Crap Destination: G&A Section Thanks. I found dem. Kongregate Labs They look good.
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I would recommend going straight for Actionscript 3.0, because if you start with 2.0 you will be completely confused when you move to 3.0, because they handle things very differently.