hi everyone lets make a clan with flaming helmet spartans it will be awsome just imagen flaming spartans vs normal spartan so cool so whos with me and STOP CLOSING MY THREADS :happy:
About your threads being closed... theres kind of a really good reason for that. Whats the point of organizing a clan before the games even out? And a clan based on armor and not skill nonetheless. P.S. No e in FLAMING Lock?
If your threads keep getting locked there is probably a good reason. Figure out where your threads should be and what qualifies as a good thread topic before posting again unless you want to get banned for causing moderators so much trouble. inb4lock
You're trying to start another clan? Really? This really needs to be closed because some people like you don't know the purpose of a clan. Clans are for a group of players who want to either play against other clans or play with a organized team. Not "Hey dude you haz flamez! lets starts a clanz!" It's people like you who make clans look stupid.
Forge Hub is definitely no the place to recruit people. This thread is unnecessary. I encourage to either create interesting and meaningful topics or to refrain from making threads. Closed.