Flagship V.1: Flagship V.1 Ship map Download Map Description: Flagship V.1 is influenced by Jslayers Xeron Project V.3 The Defenders [red] spawn on the Flagship in the beginning. The Attackers [blue] spawn inside the forerunner structure. main base in whole map. Compatible with: slayer CTF multi flag assualt territories infection weapons: Machine gun turret~1 Deployable Cover~1 Spartan Laser~2 Missile Pod~2 Rocket Launcher~6 Assualt Rifle~3 Battle Rifle~3 Sniper Rifle~3 Beam Rifle~1 Flamethrower~1 Radar Jammer~1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Story The year is 2561. The Human-Covenant war had just ended and humans resumed on their world colonization project. While looking for worlds that humans could survive on they stumbled upon this planet. News of this new planet spreaded through out the colonies. ONI suspected that if the planet was able to support life, than there is probably life somewhere on the planet. ONI sends a lone Flagship called "Grace" into one of the many regions of the planet. They were looking for signs of any life... They found it... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Missile bunker 3 Missile bunker 2 Missile Bunker1 Air base Flagship Hope you like the map!!!! ___________(''''''''| '''''''|''' ')_||___________ | ------------____.`======.-.~:______/___|=============[_] |_|||___/ /__/~'''|_|_|_|''(0)-------------< ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
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looks good. althogh i dont think you need as much RL's and add more BR's. : ) still, the overall map looks really good.
we dont usually do names like that here. I'm just gonna edit it to Flagship V.1, cuz thats what it seems to be called...
Hey, Thanks for the credit! It does resemble mine, but there are differences. I personally like the battlefield, a feature that wouldn't work for mine because of how many ships my map has. 4.5/5 (I'll round up to 5) for me because some interlocking could be done in small places like the ship. We tried out this map, and gameplay was good. EDIT: Wow, we even have similar backstories...lol...
Yeah, that's what i thought but then i realized that the map was really big, although half the original, with lots of vehicles so why not put in Rocket Launchers?
i told you i would give your ship credit! Yeah, i could use a bit more interlocking... so that's why this is V.1. so that the second one will be even better! i am currently working on V.2 I did not know our stories were the same. let me see yours... Backstory: It was the year 2142, and two devastating plagues were gradually chipping away at planet Earth: overpopulation, and energy consumption. The population was increasing at an exponential rate, and with more people residing there, more energy was being utilized by its inhabitants. CO2 levels were so disastrous, that world-wide extinction of plants and animals was taking place. Wars were also further developing the Earth into a barren, unlivable wasteland. The US Department of Energy was on a mission to delay this apocalyptic countdown to Earth’s end by searching far off galaxies to investigate outside energy resources and containments. They had found a planet in the Virgo Stellar Stream, only 30,000 lightyears away, called Xeron, which was displaying levels of radioactive activity that was off the charts. And so, the US Department of Energy worked with NASA to develop a starship that could reach this planet. This became known as the Xeron Project. Once it was finished, it took off for Xeron, and arrived after a very long period of time. When it arrived, the astronauts docked and launched their vehicles towards the bitter land. They drove their passenger vehicles until they arrived at the site. What they didn’t expect was for there to be inhabitants residing on Xeron who mistook them for enemy invaders. And so, the story goes… “When looking for new energy facilities, this odd site on Xeron was discovered. But, there were others among them...†Yours =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Story The year is 2561. The Human-Covenant war had just ended and humans resumed on their world colonization project. While looking for worlds that humans could survive on they stumbled upon this planet. News of this new planet spreaded through out the colonies. ONI suspected that if the planet was able to support life, than there is probably life somewhere on the planet. ONI sends a lone Flagship called "Grace" into one of the many regions of the planet. They were looking for signs of any life... They found it... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mine... they are alike.
there are a lot of rules being broken here, 'Lone wolf, don't triple post, but since you're new here, i won't report you. Dark ruler, STOP SPAMMING THROUGH ALL THE THREADS, come on, you've got like 50 posts in one day.