replay this map is for the game type get me. but you can play assult i had help from braody forgehub name is shadowfreind on making the replay map 4-8 maby 10 some like the old map better so put it on here too. the pics are from the replay map old flag no snipe map replay map : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details gametype : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Boy, oh boy, where to start. Everyone defends new members, but really with examples to go by, and the rules pervasive about the forums, I'm not so leanient. Sorry. First off, you just double posted. If you want to add something, edit it into the OP. Second, take your screenshots in a custom game, not forge, so we don't see the spawn points and white dots. (That's not absolutely necessary like the first one, just a tip.) Third, there's nothing worse than an excessive weapon armory on a competitive map. And what's to stop people from either just sitting in there with weapons, or just step backwards in the teleporter and break the map? I can clearly see you didn't test this map for its gameplay. You have a long way to go. And you can go ahead and say to ignore the spelling, but that too makes your post look worse.
I don't think this is conquest. It looks more like a minigame from what I can tell. It would be nice if you provided a clear description of the game and how it plays. From what I can see though, the attacking team has to get the flag while being attacked from the bunker behind the flag. You never explained what the teleporter behind the shield door was for though, or player traits etc, or anything in the gametype except the rounds and time. The guy before me provided good suggestions. I would suggest that, instead of the shield door that the attackers spawn behind and just one base behind the flag, you could have a long, winding hallway that the attackers have to run through, with several defenders bases branching out from the main bunker and connected to each other. The attackers would also be able to pick up equipment and grenades and things to hurt and distract and disrupt the defenders and aid them in their quest. I believe that a game like that would also support a VIP and a territories version. Well, I hope those suggestions help.