Hi all! OF COURSE THIS IS NOT PHOTOSHOPPED! It's "Fireworks"ed! Anyways, here is one small pic, comment!!! Enjoy!
That's not too good. It looks like a blurry picture of a rubber wall. Also, considering the other walls of that bunker have windows, I'm guessing that one would too.
looks like ****, no offense, and u can't clone stamp at all, gimme five minutes and that same pic of the broken bunker and i could probably do better then that
This is a dumb pic but it got me wondering. What if Bungie edited High Ground and closed off the bunker so that it was only accessible to the team that spawned at the base?
Well then it be a proper defensive base, like it would have been originally. Obviously they wanted to defend those missiles in the back. It would be a terrible map though, the only way in would be if someone in side opened the gate or using gravlifts.
Ok seriously You are trying to tell us that you did not photoshop that pic and we all know you got the smudging tool and made it the size of the bunker and smudged it. If you want it to look real spend more time on it.
he said he fireworksed it. Guys, it's not that bad. Better than I can do, stop being so damn negative about it. Of course it could be better but say it in a friendlier manner. If.. Matty for example did the exact same thing, I guarantee most of you would be like "haha omg datz kewl".