Wasoha submitted a new map: Fivewinder - A remake of Halo 1's Sidewinder with a hint of H3 Avalanche Read more about this map...
Wasoha updated FIVEWINDER with a new update entry: Assault & H1 Pistol Read the rest of this update entry...
Wasoha updated FIVEWINDER with a new update entry: Optimization and Ladders Read the rest of this update entry...
This map has been amazing, there are so many sidewinder remakes out there and this one should be in regular BTB rotation.
Wasoha updated FIVEWINDER with a new update entry: Patching up glitches Read the rest of this update entry...
Thanks bud. I'd love few things more than to have a bunch of community maps added in to BTB rotation. This one included, of course! I hunger for some Sidewinder BTB-CTF. I've tried to make it matchmaking-ready.
Wasoha updated FIVEWINDER with a new update entry: Grenades, killzones, aesthetics Read the rest of this update entry...
Wasoha updated FIVEWINDER with a new update entry: Download link Read the rest of this update entry...
This map is really well recreation of Side winder, the design is well thought out however, I feel this map is more of remix than a complete remake. A friend of mine also made a great rendition of Side winder as well, you should check it out. Moreover I don't the game-play will be as exciting as your map though. It lacks in weapon diversity due to environment draining the 1024 block count. http://www.forgehub.com/maps/sidewinder.1782/
Yep, parts of the map were definitely remixed to make the gameplay a little more varied. Certain parts of the original were either underused or entirely neglected so I wanted to change that. Anything different from the original is completely intentional rather than accidental. But where it counts I paid very close attention, measuring distances, heights and sightlines to get minute details right that others have missed. I completely maxed out the object budget while still managing to include every route of the original. I had to think very thrifty while placing objects and choosing what to prioritize. I checked out your bud's map and it's pretty cool. I do really like the detail it replicates, but due to that it lacks the available pieces to finish the routes which I think is more important than extra trees or ice.
I agree the map did lack in routes particularly the path that led from the middle of the map to blue base. He was trying so hard getting the map size down and the detail of the bases that there wasn't enough pieces for the other more important locations. So the map wouldn't be too imbalanced from the mistake, he added only one ramp for each team to the middle of the map.