Fissure - NEWER ONE AVAILABLE - Mod Please Lock This map has been updated and revised - final version here. A mod can lock. Thank you.
I have to say I like the overall simplistic design. It uses some advanced forging techniques but doesn't go overboard like a lot of maps do. It looks really fun, and props to using the back half of foundry that people rarely use anymore.
The design and layout is unoriginal, but you made it from simple to complex. The idea of having bridge hils kind of popped out at me, but I never expected you to just cut the wall off when it was halfway through. The Grav lifts definately seem like a great way to surprise attack the enemy from above. Overall It looks like a great idea of a Foundry division map.
Theres seems to be a small amount of cover in this map, maybe add some A and B signs to make some cover, it's a little sloppy where you interlocked the fence boxes but the rest is flawless and i like all the different hieghts.
I do not have any A or B signs, and I will be releasing a new version (Technically, edit 7.7; or 77 edits. Woot.), with a few geomerged walls for a bit more cover, but it really plays well in terms of that as is. I don't see what you mean with the fence boxes, though.
Dang, snipe tower looks really cool. Maybe a little small though, but I guess the smaller it is the less people will actually ***** snipe there, so maybe it's a good thing. I also like the general aesthetics in pics 1 & 2, cool stuff with the stairs.
KFirejumper, first off, the sniper is actually fairly weak. It will usually get no more than a killing spree, if that. Second, at FH, we don't advertise our maps in other threads.
This map is one of the best i've seen in a while.It looks a little bit open but your geomerging is nice.When i first saw it i thought..finally a nice looking map.Slayer would probably work very nice on the map.Keep up the work!!!
I like the cleanliness of this map. It makes good use of interlocking, but does not flood the map with tons of objects. Everything looks smooth. I don't much care for sniper towers, and the use of windows with sniper towers is over-used and just looks tacky. But the map looks nice, and will surely play well. 8/10 from pics.
It's a little open, but it is very cleanly constructed. Good use of interlocking and geo-merging. BTW, I like that it's a good quote.
I think Ive still yet to play on a game on this Nevz, despite it looking pretty fun. Good luck to ya in ATLAS with this, and send an invite my way sometime to get some games goin here.
Uh, Lights, you revived my dead version. The final one has the version number in the title. You can delete/lock this one, and move your comment to the other one if you want.