The Fish Bowl From the mind of redfang58 comes a crazy, fast paced new infection map, The Fish Bowl! Fish Bowl, made for the gametype "Feeding" is based in a small area of water outside of forgeworld where players can stand on the bottom without dieing. Zombies start on small platforms on the walls of the Bowl, unable to jump or move, but with an unlimited supply of frag grenades (food) and increased health. Humans start underwater in the center of the cube with slightly increased jump, less health, and plasma grenades. There are also plasma grenades littering the ground underwater. The goal of the game is self explanatory, zombies try to frag humans, humans try to stick zombies. Zombies have waypoints so that humans have a reference point when underwater, and zombies have radar so they can see humans when they come close before the humans jump out of the water to stick them. Lastly, both parties have swords, but zombies have 300% damage to immediately kill any humans stupid enough to jump out next to them. Without further ado, screenshots. Human jumping out of the water, rock in center Underwater with some rubble and a plasma grenade A jumping human chucking a frag grenade Death underwater!!! Special thanks to: *Keekatzer- for help with the actual forging *Whoever first made the out of the map zone accessible *Rob & Green Guy for help playtesting DL linx in case you missed: Fish : Halo Reach : File Details "Feeding" Gametype: : Halo Reach : File Details
I can't say that the screenshots do a very good job of showing the map. And that choice of text colour just hurts on the black background.
Hmmm when I first saw the name I thought it was going to be a remake of the Halo 3 fishbowl with all the mancannons but that is clearly not the case. Anyways, the map looks interesting and it's a pretty original concept but the map itself looks a bit open and leaves something to be desired. Add some more to the map, add more screenshots, and change that text before my eyes blow up.
I'm just glad that I was the first person to post a map that shows said outside spot. Thank you for giving that person (me) credit. Good map I like the idea but i recommend a soft kill zone so that the fish can't stay above water for long.
@tellme- tried to post more shots but i got a syntax error and they wouldnt show :/ should be on my bungie recent shots though @asilent- it's small and serves its purpose.because of that itd be hard to have it open, so i have no idea what youre talking about. and my apoligies if it isnt aesthetically pleasing, im not great with that... @fluffy- oh thanks for the template then! also, the kill zone wouldnt really help, since humans are just jumping, and the only way theyd remain out of the water for long is on the rock. i purposely let them do that since it leaves them pretty exposed also to everyone, ill change the text color -.-