Call of Duty 2 then Need for Speed Carbon. Got them at the same time as my xbox, but I don't play either anymore.
Same here! I've never been so dissapointed with a game in my life... they totally dropped the ball on that game... its a shame to see something that had so much potential fail miserably.
Kameo, then I forget and eventually got into Halo 3 and Oblivion then to Cod4 then back to halo Well actually the first game I put in the Xbox 360 and played was Halo 2 but, it's not a 360 game.
Mine was Oblivion, back in '06. For the original Xbox back in '01 I got it with Halo CE, along with a two-game disk featuring Sega GT 2002 and Jet Set Radio Future. Jeez, those people who got it for Halo 3 must be regretting it now. That game got SO old, SO quickly.
Crackdown and Gears of war. Fresh off my days of the ps2 and Nintendo64 the controller was abit awkward at first.