This is a video I've created for another site its taken me over 23 versions. Sorry about the blue backgrounds but I had to the blurring was to great on any other color combination. Hope you enjoy. Link
I don't think it was necessary to post "fixed". It looks horrible full screen. If that's how he wanted it, he would have done that. I'll edit this when I'm done watching. EDIT: What was the point? Oh, well cool pics and clips. Why do you have Debo in there?
He's a member of the site. And the points to show what its about or whatever, But I need CnC on the video.
I guess it's not bad for a first, but it's just some generic built-in transitions. Nothing impressive. Watch a montage with high ratings and check out the types of editing effects it has.
Great way to advertise on Forgehub you noobs. The video is nothing great. I could do way way better than that and I have only had my capture card for a week. BTW it would help to not use whatever video editor you used. It is not that great.