Thought i might have a go at making myself a sig rather than asking for one to be made for me. This is the first time i have ever done anything like this and i think it turned out ok. Was wondering what other people thought of it. Just so you guys know i made it on a program called Photo Impact 10, the programe came with my PC. I imagine that many of you will probably post telling me Photo Impact 10 is awful and a waste of time but since i really did not know what i was doing when i started i thought it best to use a programe i already have than find one on the internet. Hope you like it. Even if just a little bit. :happy: I SeNTiNeL I
I like the overall effect of it but the guy on the right is too blurry and isn't working. Also you should make the render the main focal point not ur name. So I would make the render bigger and sharpen it once or twice and then make the words smaller and move them to the left and move the render a little more towards the center. But for lack of a better editting program I think you did pretty good for your first sig. Most people just go with grunge brush backgrounds and put the render in the dead center... Don't worry you'll improve also so good job!