These are my first signatures that I'm actually happy with! I used a tutorial for this, but got bored and had a go at changing a few things: And with this I used a tutorial: Before anyone says 'OMG n00b as if you used a tutorial', I just want to be able to make decent sigs and I've gotta learn the basics from somewhere right?
Blending is Good. Depth is okay, but can be improved. Flow is good on second one, can't tell on first. The Signatures seem too plain, and seem as if there is something missing. The border is a bit too thick in the first sig. The text is okay, there wasn't really much you could have done for the sigs with the text. These are absolutely tremendous for you first attempts. Keep your head up, and keep trying.
They are great for your first. Top one is better imo, better blending. And no one will get mad at you for using tutorials, everyone does to get better.
Top one is better than the second. It flows a little better and blends better with the background. Which tutorials did you use for this? Anyway, good job for first
Yes, definatley good for your first. Most first sigs that you see have either two focals, background with distorted and changed colour... well you get the idea. I think you're going to go far if you continue to make sigs.
Thanks guys... the tutorials I used were: GameSpot Forums - The Gimp Forum - Adept Sig tutorial and GimpTalk • View topic - Curly's FFXII Sig Tutorial!