Hi its me again with a fun new map - First Sight -. it has been set up for all game types and is ready for play. it features two air vents(lifts), one in each base. these only work when you want them to!! This is the center of the map and features the rocket launcher, the two ghosts, which i have made purposly unable to get into either base. and the snipers. Here is the entrance to one of the lifts. just step in use the grav lift and of you go to the midle of the map. here you see one of the bases where you can see the lift and the way to the other base. Another view of the middle. Download Map:First Sight
could you please fix your screenshots, they are far too small. I suggest hosting them using Photobucket
yeah i agree, fix the size, you also might want to make some screens that give a good overview of the map, because now its looks like we can only see small pieces of the map, i cant really see the whole layout
Your pictures are realllly small. Definetly use photobucket from now on. Is this map fully interlocked? (at least mostly anyways)
The pics are too small, I can tell it's interlocked though and that's always a plus. Fix the images so we can see the map better though. And by the way, nothing is wrong with imageshack, he just used the wrong link.