Well this is the first Sig i have ever done... For those who don't know, the character that is on the side is the Scout from a game called Team Fortress 2. I plan on making a more relevant, halo version for this site very soon... it will be up as soon as photobucket is back up and running - 8/4/1010 7:03 am
I wouldn't call this a sig, man. It's more like large art. Forge Hub has a sig limit of 500 x 200 pixels, so yours right now is over the limit. As for its contents, there are too many things to point out like... - Don't place the render on the very edge. - Choose matching text, not some fancy font. - Full black background? Just no. - The size, dude. The size. Make it smaller. I can't point out every single point for improvement, so I suggest you look up some tutorials on DeviantArt and apply what you did from those tutorials to your future sigs.
Like Kung Fu said, a solid b for effort. However, there's still a lot of room for improvement. Do you use GIMP or PS? Either way, you may want to check out some of the tutorials in this handy dandy thread.
I actually went through that thread and noticed some good stuff, particularly stuff like I used to do, and I'm wondering if my style's been lacking. I actually only recently got back into designing after a two year hiatus and I don't think I've felt that kick just yet...