These are my first screenshots Tell me what you think [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] Download First One Second One
The first one is pretty awesome; I love the colors. However, I wish he wasn't jumping. It would've been better if he was standing and looking a little bit towards the right. The other two are about average.
I agree with Silence.The colours are so awsome in the first one and the second one.But angle,blending,and lighting are all lacked in the third shot.And the pose in the first shot is not so cool because of the way his Br is.
Well first off, welcome to the screenshot forum. I hope you post pictures regularly here. The first picture would have to be the best out of the three, The explosion gives off a good affect. Biggest problem is that I think it would look better if the spartan wasn't in the air and was just in a standing position. The second one seems pretty bland. I think the smoke and weapon choice ruin it for me though. Once again it would look better if he was standing. The third and final picture has a great background, But, the spartan sticks out to much from the picture. If you changed the color of the spartan then this would be my favorite picture.
I like the smoke and the color in the second screenshot, nice job if it is your first screenshot ever but if its not, you should do better.
I wished that he wasn't jumping too but i got the effect by being invunerable and having my friend stick me and i guess if you get stuck and don't die, you do a fun little hop
Then how about just stick the ground next to him or something? Or do you not get the same effect? The 2nd is okay, but I <3 the lighting on the 3rd one.. maybe if you changed the background to something more interesting than Ghost Town.
I like them. The first two would be better if he wasnt jumping. But I love the third one. The armor looks very real and the glare in the visor makes a great reflection. THe first two id give 3's, and 3 i will give a 4.3. (ratings on a scale from 1-5. lol)