first montage

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by just defy, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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  2. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    I realize you said to forgive the editing, but the fact of the matter is, posting it means people can critique it, and since it is a montage, which is centered pretty much solely on editing, that's the only real thing I can comment on.

    Now, you need to ease up on the shake-effect, it ruins whatever is going on onscreen. You can use it here and there, which I suppose you will in the finished product, but tone it down and sparse it out.

    As for the gameplay. Shotgun kills = not that impressive (for a montage anyway) unless some outstanding circumstance occurs, like you miraculously surviving five different people firing at you simultaneously, and you dodge and kill them all.
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    No he said forget about the ending[/i]. Anyways, I don't think the shotty sequence shows the adrenline rush killing all those guys, it also doesn't help that you can't clearly see the double with the semtex, which is why I assume you put the clip in, well the combingation of the trip shotty and semtex anyway. Tone down the colors and only enhance them in certain areas, it's hard to see who you're killing and with what. I would say take the shotty sequence out simply for the fact you didn't have pred on. It would have made that sequence more impactful if a big Five Kill streak reward pops up instead of the the # even though you got the five.
  4. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    Well, I have never played Modern Warfare 2 so I have almost no clue wtf just happened. The effects probably had something to do with it. But anyways, for some reason I extremely enjoyed watching your 40sec "montage" :p
  5. Le Hefe

    Le Hefe Ancient
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    Wow, nice criticism. I vote, "yes" on taking some of the Twitch out. Look at the Montage I posted up. It's my first one as well, and I used Twitch only three times. It's all about timing. The length of the montage doesn't really matter, what does matter is how you blend the clips together. I for one love the Twitch plug-in, it has millions of uses. However, you just gotta be careful of how you use it. Do you have Action Essentials? One of the things I did for Numerus Unum was mask a real muzzle flash into the sniper rifle shot. It's only a frame long, and I didn't have the time to key out the muzzle flash from the in-game sniper shot. Try lots of things, you never know what you can make... Especially in After Effects!

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