Using Bungie Render and WMM, I cobbled together this piece. Thoughts?
A bit stiff with the camera at points, but it is hard to control, you done a great job, it is good to have a fly through for your maps. WMM isn't the best software, but it is good if all you have, and the Bungie render thing seems really nice, I may try it for a few things, but I have a capture card so not too much need. I the quality is very nice better than more .wmv I see. Nice job Kapura, really shows map off well.
good start but you need to try and keep more of a constant speed when moving and also becarful when turning not to make it choppy. another good thing to do would be to film it during gamplay so we can already get a little feel for the map and see where the hotspots are. just my opinions
I considered capping gameplay, but I'm doing this through BuTube and I only had 2 minutes. Showing gameplay would give a feel, but it would also obscure things like weapon and equipment spawns. I want people to paint in the fun, this is more of a teaser.