First Look At The New Star Trek MMO World

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Reynbow, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    First Look At The New Star Trek MMO World

    12:13 PM on Wed Jul 30 2008
    By Meredith Woerner

    Federation space stations guarded by expansive sensors snake across the Alpha Quadrant. Cryptic Studios have released screen shots that give future gamers a look into the brand new Star Trek Online universe. From the looks of things the Federation is a force to be reckoned with. Click through to see a gallery of the final frontier including a shadowy glimpse of a CG Andorian.

    In this MMO players will be able to customize characters and their ships. Exploration isn't limited to already-existing Trek planets and races although Andorians and Klingons will be making appearnces (according to hints from the game site). Cryptic Studios also announced that they will be revealing gameplay footage of the new Star Trek Online video game at the Star Trek convention in Las Vegas August 10.​
    If you look closely at this background photo you can see the outline of an Andorian.

    A Federation space station in the Alpha Quadrant.

    Star Trek online asks if you can find the Gorn in this alien forest.

    A gamey asteroid belt.

    Federation sensors keep tabs on all space happenings around the station.

    Explore space or beam down on a new planet to meet your alien friends.

    Alien orbital platform.

    The Star Trek online game will be full of new planets.

    source site
    Mysterious D likes this.
  2. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
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    i can't be bothered reading that because star trek is like an epic fail. If i want sci-fi... i'd rather star wars.
  3. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Or the game your here for called halo
  4. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Must they ruin star trek with an MMO?
    Im hardly a "trekky" but i like the newer series'
    It looks TOO good.Dont get me wrong but worlds that big ruin MMO's.
    Have you seen AoC.
    It looked breathtaking and utterly brilliant in every consievable way.
    However you need a super-computer to run the graphics that high and onany setting framerate goes down the toilet...which breaks everything that game had going for it.
    Im getting a sense of deja-vu but it could be good.
    My moneys on DC universe as the next big MMO.
    Not saying wow toppling but it should be good.

    On the other hand i just notice its by crytic.
    After cox id say they will definately go for playability>l337 "grafix"
    So who knows,could go either way.
    CoX is winsauce btw

    BTW star wars has so many plot holes in it it resemblesmovie swiss cheese.
    Good for action terrible for pretty much everyhting else.
    The originals were good for the time though.
    #4 Supa Midget, Aug 1, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008
  5. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    I must say that I had a short time a few months ago when I was engrossed in Star Trek, the original one. I will definitely be buying and trying this out. I don't expect much but it was an amazing show. I am really looking forward to the new Star Wars MMO though, seeing as how they ruined SWG. Stupid ass Sony.

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