I did Halo 2 because I dont remember my first Halo 3 Map, I came home found my brother playing campaign so I joined him and played matchmaking after, my first H3 map may have been snowbound but I'm not sure. The first map I ever played on Halo 2 was Coagulation. I was at a mates place and we were about to go to someone else's because they were having a LAN. Well I'd never played Halo 2 before and they quickly showed me the basic controls and they showed it to me on Coagulation. The next time I played it I hadn't realised that it was such a large map. What was your first Halo 2 map?
I think it was..... wow. I don't even remember half the maps... Although I believe it was Lockout. I liked that map, but I like Blackout more.
Zanzibar. I wanted to see it after that video they released at E3 showing off all the cool multiplayer stuff. (Dualwielding, hijacking, ect)
Halo 2: Sanctuary on split screen, play 2v2 splitscreen on sanctuary for about a year before getting live or trying other maps. Halo 3: Counting the beta its high ground, full game it was guardian
I remember that the first H2 map I played on was Ivory Tower. My cousins invited our family over for a get-together party, and this was my first experience with Halo at all. They owned the game for a couple of years when I played with them. At first, I was like, 'How do you shoot?', but after a while, I found the sword and rockets and proceeded to beat the crap out of them.
H2: Coagulation at my friends house. It was the first time id ever seen or heard of Halo nd was amazed. We played CTF. H3: After beginning campaign my friend invited me to some MM. First Map: High Ground. I was so stumped on how to play lol. I was use to pressing x to switch weapons nd stuff nd pressing RB was like, "RB, what? u got to be kidding me!" lol... we lost... bad
Oh, we're talking about Halo 3? I remember how excited I was when I received the email confirming me as a Halo 3 Beta tester. Then I was even more excited when, during MM, the map was Snowbound. I was really excited about this map. Auto-targeting turrets, shield doors, snow... What a fool I was.
My first Halo 2 map was Zanzibar. I played it at my friend's house. It is one of my favorite Halo 2 maps My first map in Halo 3 was in Snowbound. I destroyed everything in my path. That was one of the only times.
My first halo 2 map was Zanzibar, and me and a few friends drove around a warthog shooting a the walls for a few hours, amazed at the interactive enviornment.
When I first got halo 2 the first map I played was coagulation because it's the same as blood gulch from halo 1. Before I got halo 2 I played on Ivory Tower ate a friends place and got absolutely thumped because I'd never played halo before then.
It was on Ascension, and the first weapon I ever picked up on H2 was a Brute Shot, and now today I am Brute Captain, because brutes are the freakin coolest ever!
as my first map though it was bg and we were using plamsa pistol starts and i held down the trigger and i was all like wtf why isnt this gun firing?
The first Halo 2 map that I played was Coagulation because I wanted to see the similarities to Blood Gulch. The first game was against a friend who had the game already and me and my brother (who are much better than this friend now) got skunked 25-0-0 by the Ghost and Banshee. The first Halo 3 map that I played was Last Resort because I wanted to see the similarities to Zanzibar. The game was me and my brother against two different friend (who are much worse than us now) and got destroyed because they had been playing for a while. I remember being amazed by the spike nades, bubble shield, grav lift, and laser. Both experiences were pretty much identical. We were always behind everyone else in every Halo game. I remember playing Halo CE for the first time and being garbage right when Halo 2 came out. Then, we started H2 late and online even later. Since we were so bad at Halo 1, we would get wrecked online (couldn't get to lvl 30) and that translated to Halo 3, which we only got two weeks late. We struggled to get to lvl 30 at the beginning and had horrible KD's. We then worked our way up to like 45's where we are working on lvl 50 status. Since we keep on improving as the series goes on, I guess the only place we can go now is professional . Well, I just told my whole Halo story.
Zanzibar and lockout.I really liked zanzibar but i hate the last resort.I think guardian is a better lockout than lockout itself cuz guardian was supposed to be a remake of lockout