I remember when I was forging a map and a person (friend) joned the game. I went to talk- he didnt. Instead he started deleting evey peice he could before I booted him- ending in 1/2 of my map gone. I was annoyed, but rebuilt and then only 15 minutes later the same thing happened with a second person. This is why I rarely if ever set my forges to "friends only".
Wow that sucks. You have some douchey friends. My son has crawled over and shut my box off while I was forging.
For me, competition is fun. I do also play some minigames and other stuff - in fact I'm forging a minigame right now - but most of the time, what is fun for me is two evenly matched teams facing off, and finding a way to outplay or out-think the other team. And for the record, I don't judge however you might choose to play Halo. Really, I don't. But you should try to understand that most people in the Halo community like playing slayer and occasional objective games. Team slayer is always going to be a more popular playlist than any other. Competitive maps will always see more action than grifball, infection, and minigame maps. The people you're criticizing for making these kinds of maps are hardly outliers; they have fun playing Halo the way they do, and they make maps that they would like to play on. A differently designed map does change gameplay, to a competitive player. Countdown and Powerhouse play nothing alike even if you use the same gametype on both. Obviously most of the forge community disagrees. Now you've just being silly. What does that have to do with anything? Please find me the stats for any competitive player who has a decent k/d ratio and doesn't have power weapons listed among their top tools of destruction, or vehicles if they ever play BTB. If you play games that have rocket launchers, snipers and wraiths in them and don't try to control those things, you deserve what you get; using them is how you do well in those games, especially if you play with randoms as I do the majority of the time. But of course, you're being somewhat disingenuous with that remark anyway - my top three tools of destruction are DMR, melee and frag grenade, which is completely standard. And I have about twice as many DMR kills as sniper, rockets and sword (my top three power weapons) combined.
They arent my friends anymore. They were just some people I met on xbox and I never really talked with them anyway, I had no trouble deleting their arses. That sucks about your son shutting of the box, but at least you like the person who did that to you. =P Artifact-you like casual games, and that's okay, but dont hate on competitive stuff if you dont even play it. That's just incredibly stupid. We all have different ways of play- as for Nutduster and I we enjoy competitive maps and games. Each one tests our abilities as forgers and our skills in FPS when we play or test the maps. They are fun for us. If not for you- that's fine. Just dont go trying to prove us wrong, because we are not. We just over time begin to view you as 'that jerk who rants on and on and on about how he just HATES forge world.' I mean, really, come on man! Its not a big deal- you are turning it in to one! If you dont like forge world then dont use it! We like the pieces it offers so we do.