From, I am the creator, I wanted to post this here as well. Have you ever wanted to play snowbound without those damn shield doors, and without having to lay tripmines? Well I, have made the first overloaded maps, ever. This is a breakthrough. Too bad I can't put the film on my fileshare, because my accounts has not been paid for XBL. Now, onto business. Remember this thread a couple weeks ago. Yeah, I was correct, in theory. I got my Xbox 360 back a couple days ago, so then I tried it, and it works. Here is what you need to do for overloaded Snowbound. Just load up the default snowbound and follow my instructions. You need to place all the items in the "Equipment" category down, the maximum that you can place in one spot or general area, and they are... Secondly, now you'll want to place select items in the "Scenery" category, and they are... As soon as you start placing these object, after the first few are placed, they should all start start randomly popping in and out of the map, leaving a small blue spark or dust cloud. You have now made your overloaded map. Now, restart the round and see if the shield doors are gone. If they aren't, then go ahead and place some more objects down.
dude thats actually cool! i like the fact that u can save it as a map after...can u delete the objects afterwards though so they dont bulk up the map???
Sorry to tell you this, but it's already been found out a while ago. Nice refresher, as noone's actually made a guide on how to do it.
This trick is called imploding. It is actually pretty old but also a really cool trick. I used this to keep the elephants on sandtrap from spawning on one of my maps.