1680x1050 I like it. I think it'd be cool if someone here used it, that'd be a nice way to give my work a new meaning. Please CNC, tell me if you like it or not, and why. The BG is very subject to change, I just did it in 50 minutes or so. stock: Spoiler And yes, I realize that box next to the moon. I'm trying to remove it, but I'm having troubles.
Man, that looks really tight. Really reminds me of when I made my spartan thing (in my sig). Overall I really like it, except that there needs to be more of a part that really stands out from the whole wallpaper/BG itself. Make the mask in the transmission thing black and white and maybe a bit of static. IMO, it really bothers me, that bottom "border", it looks so plain compared to the whole thing. Btw, can I see the original stock and what brushes did you use?
Well, I really like it. I think that adding a low-opacity gradient map over just the stock, probably a red one, would give it the mechanized robot feel (like when they do the POV of the terminator in the Terminator movies). I think that was what you were going for with the whole "Cancel Investigation" thing, and it looked like a machine analyzing the planet surface.
The original stock is in the OP. The brushes... I found somewhere on deviantart. I'll try static, but making the mask B&W looks terrible. As for something that stands out... i'll see what I can do I'll try that.
i think thats a sick nasty background, and about the box next to the moon, why dont you incorperate it into the picture? maybe add some text to make it look like a text box or analysis box or whatever.
Very cool. Not so sure about the Hellgaust guy. If you are gunna keep him I would make him more transparent. I thin ituld fit very nicely with Enigma for Rainmeter.