Ya, gray was better font and I think that should be your border color as well. And I think Lock meant to make the subject of your sig that color blue.
ER... What the hell is it? I can't give much Cnc since the quality looks so crappy... Use more colors, look up some tuts, and add more effects. Light source too.
Ha ha ha, okey dokey, I think I'm gonna put this to rest. My summary of the G&A forum: some of you know what you're talking about and can actually help improve in areas whilst the rest of you just sit around posting some suggestions about things you like. I originally posted this as a test to see just how high and mighty you all view yourselves inside this forum because from an outside perspective (mine) it honestly just looks like a select few of you claim to be better than all others in the ways of arts and insult the original signatures and their artists outrit - like the very first post in this thread had done, Frag. But I've concluded this isn't the case. You are all willing to help out but ONLY so long artist takes - literally - all of your suggestions with a smile, regards you with the highest respect and gratitude for each tiny suggestion you think to make - half of which you end of revoking in any case - and completely throw away whatever self respect they have in hopes of - and this is a key word - MAYBE gaining a bit of help from a user in this forum, and if luck will have it someone who knows what they're talking about. Some of you need to get off your thrones and put yourselves in perspective as an actual person instead of some kind of god. Damn. Locked.