This map is made on foundry and is a One Flag CTF map where the attackers invade the hotel and capture it. As the defenders defend the map from them. The hotel has three levels, the bottom and middle levels can be captured by the attackers but the top is always defenders. The bottom level has all the weapons avalible in forge but are both easy acces to the attackers and the defenders. The middle level is small but has 2 rooms which one has a turret and the other an oversheild. The other things on that level is active camo and a rocket launcher. The top level has the flag, four sniper rifles and protective sheild doors. Where the attackers spawn is four mongooses and one wraith. Download my map it is really fun. URL: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
This post is not up to standards. This is not to upset you, but help you so people will DL your map, follow these links, and you should be good. Rules - ForgeHub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Halo Forge Maps Template - Embedding Tutorial - It's been said, NO ONE ELSE post until he has fixed his changes, or it will count as spam.
WARNING!!! Any post that I see saying "need embeded pics" and "Not up to forgehub stadards" and anything along those lines will be reported for spam, So please stop saying he needs pics. He has 24 hours to fix his map post before it is locked. Thank you.