Don't make yourself seem like an idiot, Google Chrome DOES crash, it doesn't say it does, it just says that it didn't shut down correctly. -.-" Proof : Scarecrow's post.
You're confusing the entire browser crashing compared to a single plugin. Entire Tab Crash /=/ Single Plugin Crash Another reason why people make themselves look like idiots: Trying to prove that two completely different things are the same (as shown above).
You're saying that Google Chrome just, doesn't crash. It does, it's happened to me before, and lucky enough for this conversation, Scarecrow has a picture of it. -.-
You do know Firefox now sandboxes plugins so they don't crash a the whole browser when they crash right? Exactly like Chrome does.
Dbres22 I've always like Firefox for it's fast internet capabilities and the fact that it doesn't take a while to delete history, it only takes 5 seconds with Firefox
Compared to which browser? For me, IE takes literally 30 seconds to delete history (which is silly because I clear my history all the time, and have it set to only store history for one day). Firefox takes less than 2 seconds to clear for me...
Google Chrome for me takes the same amount as your Firefox. I guess it all depends on your ISP though.. *Shrugs* I'm using FF4 mainly cause I just love how it's all laid out, lol.
So I downloaded FF4, oly change I notice is the extreme load speed, which is nice. And hell if I want to feel like Im using chrome/safari/IE8, Ill just freakin' DL the themes off mozilla, ha ha
They have a Chrome theme? That's pointless. Also, I've switched to Chrome. I realized I don't care for toolbars and that there's virtually an extension for every add-on.
Welcome to the interwebz, the only place where people will flame each other for something as trivial as an internet browser. I personally like Google Chrome. It runs the fastest for me, has the addition of extensions which are quite nice, and has a built in spell-checker. Plus, it has only crashed on me twice in the past four months and both times I recovered the tabs that crashed just fine. I used to use Firefox but found all the toolbars and add-ons were kinda unnecessary and did more harm than good in terms of making things quicker and easier. Just my two cents.
IDK why everyone says firefox crashes on them, my firefox has crashed once this month, I think. And now with Firefox 4 being as fast as it's turning out to be and only being in beta, I'll be sticking with firefox a little longer. And I'm not sayin' chrome is bad either, I'm just to used to using firefox. Honestly the only browser I can say that blows is IE
Firefox once crashed and stayed crashed for a long while. That was a few years ago, though. Ever since then, it's been all good, excluding the few times I thought it froze.
FireFox 4 Beta 2 is now available... It seems to have significantly improved page load times from B1.
No addon, just get firefox 4. If you want them right at the top you will need to be using windows 7 This is the firefox BETA, alpha's are before BETA's and are usually internal. O.O