FIREFIGHT Description: This map is basically a survival map, the main idea is to survive 15 minutes to the tons of covenant. Weapons: Human (ODST) SMG x8 Sniper x5 Magnum x2 plus the ones you have at the bigining =P Laser x3 Rocket x4 Nade x2 (infinite) Fire nade (infinite) Shot gun x2 AR x2 Zomby (Covenant) Plasm Pistol Random Vehicles: Ghost x2 Wraith x2 Choper x2 Banshee x1 Map Pics: Main map ODST base Drop pod base Armory (inside blue ODST base) Now some acction shots: Hints: You have 1 minute to reach te floor or you will die becouse killballs will apear Zombys can only do 50% of damage ODST resist 300% of damage ODST No shield recharges 15 minutes per round 6 rounds 50% are zombys and 50% humans Only zombys can ride vihicles power up gives you invencibility becous whe you drop sometimes the (drop pod) hits you and left you whit less life there are 2 bubble shields (no respawn) ODST can pick up weapons, zombys no And i think those are all Links (yey)
i really like the concept of this map and it looks decently forged but the gameplay i have a problem with and that is theres 6 rounds and each round is 15 minutes? hopefully the odst only have one life and im sure they do but if your playing with good players it will take a long time for the game to end.
One thing, this map needs merging and goemerging. With that it can become better. But, there is still one thing i dont like, that im starting to see with more firefight maps, its just a base to hold out in. Im not saying thats bad, i just dont like the concept so much. My halo3-horde map is in a destroyed city and allows players to free-roam, searching for weapons and a good place to stay.
Hey looks like a nice map, I would DL but I don't have space. the only question I have is how do your drop pods work?
Nice map! Me and my friends hadfun on his one ( I survive the longest). I like the drop pods. Ive sen alot of similar ones inmaps as of late and have built some myself. Yours worked pretty well. You might just want to lower the number of rounds to two so that people dont get bored halfway through. 8/10
Overdone concept is overdone. You're map is fine, there isn't anything wrong with it as far as i'm concerend but the whole 'firefight in Halo 3' concept is just overdone and the fact that there's over nine thousand firefight variants and maps is irritating. Besides, only one of the firefight variants I played were actually good. Seriously you guys, do we really need a hundred variants of firefight? Really?
yeah, the concept is alright, i think the map is awful to be honest. you built a little platform at one end and just threw loads of objects around it. honestly, eliteslayer is right, you need a city or whatever to roam in 1/5