Not sure if this is alright, but I figure it's not a bad idea. If this should go in thread disscusion about Firefight please delete. So seeing as how firefight doesn't have a matchmaking mode I though it would be a good idea to starta thread where people who don't mind random strangers adding them to their friend's list can leave their gamertag. This way people can compile a list of friends who are down for firefight. I know it's pretty much a givin that any Halo fan will get this game wand will play. But I know my friends list isn't comprised of ALL Halo players. So I will start, anyone want to add me for some Firefight fun (preferably after I fnish campaign) go ahead and add me. GT: DisturbedShifty. Again, if this seems like a thread that shouldn't exist, go ahead and delete or lock it.
Add me as well, i know i will basically be one of about 3 of my friends that will have odst, and im always down for playing with new people. GT: CaptnSTFU PS: at Shifty Dolphins better win tonight after last week's performance
I'm gonna be playing almost every weekend, I also make machinimas. If you want to play firefight or help with machinima add me... GT= Teh Swine Flu
I'll be playing all of Wednesday, but I will first be playing Firefight after I play all campaign and get the rest of the achievements in Halo 3. GT: Arates II