the elites have taken over this unsc fort, little remains of what the unsc left behind. but now a select grouop of spartans wll try to take back their fort from an outpost still under unsc control. blow the covy's doors right open and still the core. the base can't be taken back but the info stored there can. MOD EDIT-
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*steal Looks nice enough, but the base itself looks more covvy/forerunner than UNSC Also, the Colliseum doors at the top of the base are really ugly..=/
this makes no sense, first you say they will take it back then you say it cannot be taken back? anyway apart from that well the use of grey is a bit boring i know its hard to use anything other than grey but all you have done is use Colosseum walls building blocks. not sure if anyone else thought this but its very open so if you put any snipers on well then that's just going to be game over. apart from the actual forging good basic idea i say build a remake, probably from scratch because the 1 way shields leave a big gap when they are gone.