THanks, ya, i really liked the background when i took this pic. I thought black and orange looked tight
Wow, thats a good picture. I like how the explosion is sort-of faded into the background and the "recon" spartan seems to have become the focus. He seems to pop out. You picture kills 99.9 percent of germs, congrats (4.9/5). The background is a little bit to fuzzy, so you lose .9 percent. Oh. And sorry, I couldn't resist. Da Omg! I caN HaZ RecOnZ???
Sexy mr. recon. I like the fire in the background. Did you get it at PAX or something? Or are you Luke's secret lover? The world will never know.
this looks really nice, where did you get the recon?? or is it yours??? if its yours then how did you get it??? oh and a random (but on topic) question: what map did you make this on?
Everything about this pic seems really good to me.... This is much better than someone just advertising that they have recon, or even worse bragging that they saw someone with recon. Great pic, 5/5
THanks... i guess. Hey if you guys want any help with taking screenshots, send me a FR and a message saying you saw this on forgehub, and ill help you.
woah, i wonder what combination pulled that off, thats a really good screenshot, with the darkened colors, it almost looks photoshopped. nice work. 9/10
I think I may have just popped a boner! *hypothetical statement* Anyways I thought that this was just going to be another one of those noob pictures with a basic recon picture in it. However this pic is not, and it looks to me like quite some time and thinking went into this. Great job, 5/5!
if your looking for some fun to do when your bored try out out screenshot competition, this is not a major competition but its for people that just want to show off what they have got soo check out this link if you interested
i like it; recon seems to make really good pictures from the shape of the helmet and the way it reflects the light. The background is really nice. 8/10
Thanks, and yeah i really like to take pics of recon. Part of it is because it looks cool, and the other part is because it's rare