Finite Created by PinkiePinkiePie Weapons: 1x Sniper Rifle (0 Spare Clips, 120 Seconds) Finite is a very small, inversely symetrical, enclosed, 1v1 map. There are enough spawns for a 3v3, but I wouldn't recommend 6 players unless you're using a custom gametype. I've playtested it a couple times, and the spawns seem to work well for such a small map. Feedback would be welcome. Screenshots Spoiler Red spawn to bottom yellow Red spawn to top green Top green Green to blue spawns Bottom yellow Sniper Rifle Spawn Green/Blue balcony
Are the colors supposed to resemble what I threw up last night? This looks like it might be a decent 1v1 map, but you definitely need to get rid of the candy coloring. It looks terrible. Whatever color(singular) or pair of colors you decide to use, you should add some more lights to match. It looks really dark as is. Maybe even consider adding some skylights.
Could you a post a screenshot of an aerial overview of the map with the top/roof removed? It's hard to tell what the layout of the map is from these screenshots.
Yeah I'll probably break it down to 2 colors. I want to keep the roof on, but I can remove the dynamic lighting. I can't right now, but I'll do it soon. Its pretty much just an 8 with a Sniper on bottom mid.
layout looks like it might be decent, but yea those colors got to go! because it looks fairly symmetrical, havine one side red and one side blue might be best, though sometimes a smaller map like this doesn't need a red & blue side, but you could then just choose two colors to coordinate around the entire map, with some pieces being color #1 and some as color #2.
I think the four colors actually could work, but I definitely started and stopped the colors in weird places. I'll probably make it red and blue or red and cyan (probably not cyan since the 4skbr gametype messes that up), and I'll see what it looks like keeping the middle green. I'll also remake it without dynamic lighting, but I think it'll probably be too light.